Archive | January, 2009

Hamas Killers Sacrifice Palestinians For Their Sick Cause

Watching the childish, petulant, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan‘s antics while sharing a stage with Israeli President Shimon Peres at the Davos summit served as another reminder of how the reality of Hamas gets lost in the political debate. Hamas is an extreme, bloodthirsty group of Muslim maniacs who love death the way we […]

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The Very Existence Of A House Of Lords Shames Britain

It isn’t just that the House of Lords is a shameful hotbed of corruption – so that’s why they look as though they are about to fall asleep all the time – surely the most despicable thing of all is its existence in the first place, and what that says about the British. No other […]

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Obama Stumbles At Inauguration; Gives Little Away About Plans

You had to feel sorry for President Barack Hussein Obama, when the oafish judge who was reading the oath of office read the words in chunks that were too big to handle. Poor Barack fluffed his lines. I bet he got it in the neck from the awful Michelle later. His speech was a mishmash […]

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