Archive | April, 2009

Islam, like Communism, can’t be trusted and must be challenged

THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 2009 AT 5:45PM “The U.S. is not and never will be at war with Islam,” said U.S. President Barack Obama the other day in Turkey. I suppose that was a nice thing to say given his surroundings, but it set me thinking, and I’ve tried to make some sense of what our attitude […]

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Jack Jones did more damage to Britain than most in a long life

So farewell then, Jack Jones, aged 96. I think it’s fair to say that Jones did relatively little damage to Britain and his fellow countrymen in the last third of his life. But boy, did he create mayhem in the middle bit. Arrogant and self-righteous, this leftie-fascist led the union movement when it was at […]

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France’s Sarkozy speaks for Britain too in his E.U. denial to Turkey

Thank you President Nicholas Sarkozy. You alone among Western leaders have had the courage to face the facts about Turkey, and say, “No”, to membership of the European Union. Free trade? Sure. Help and advice to develop Turkey’s economy? No problem. Political union? Never. U.S. President Barack Obama thinks the European Union should admit Turkey. […]

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BBC G20 reporting left impression Brown had triumphed; reverse is the truth

I’m never sure with the BBC. Is it biased, or incompetent, or both? Watching BBCTV’s NewsNight last night, and listening to BBC Radio 4 Today’s reporting on the outcome of the G20, were they being relentlessly wrong, or relentlessly corrupt? I can’t make up my mind. Both, is the probable answer. NewsNight led its examination […]

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