Archive | June, 2009

BBC South Today Uses Crude, Tabloid Tactics To Smear Doctor

    The BBC can truly be a malign, bullying and worrying influence.     The BBC’s operatives, when challenged, always put on an air of superiority and talk about their world class standards. Most of the time, this is a dangerous illusion, it seems to me. The BBC is a monopoly, is funded by government […]

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BBC South Today Uses Crude, Tabloid Tactics To SmearDoctor

The BBC can truly be a malign, bullying and worrying influence. The BBC’s operatives, when challenged, always put on an air of superiority and talk about their world class standards. Most of the time, this is a dangerous illusion, it seems to me. The BBC is a monopoly, is funded by government edict, often has […]

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Another BBC week; cowardice, amateurism, bullying, bias

    The BBC Radio 4 Today programme reported on Saturday morning on a “candid” and “honest” interview Prime Minister Gordon Brown had given the Guardian newspaper. Bias, amateurism Forgive me being so sensitive about these things, but nobody who has ever heard of standards in journalism could possibly fall into such a schoolboy trap, […]

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Police must protect free speech, even if it means defending the BNP

    Allegedly, the police at Westminster last week stood by and allowed the fascist beasts from Unite Against Fascism to assault the er fascist beasts from the British National Party.     I have a suggestion for the police forces of Britain. Just as footballers are greeted with the words “This is Anfield” as they emerge […]

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