Archive | July, 2009

Labour deliberately destroys opportunity for the poor, then pretends to wonder why

    The bare-faced chutzpah of Alan Milburn was matched only by the incompetence of the BBC interviewer.     Former Labour Health Minister Milburn was blathering on about how the gap between rich and poor in Britain had widened not narrowed. He had authored a report for Prime Minister Gordon Brown which found that opportunities […]

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Fossil fuel overestimate would mean no global warming

    Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere might never reach the danger levels predicted by climate change zealots because supplies of oil and gas will peak much earlier than currently assumed, said a U.S. fuel expert and academic.     Warmists have also underestimated the extent that CO2 has been gobbled up by plants and […]

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Apologise, reprimand South Today, insist it never happens again

To: The Director General, BBC From: Neil Winton Can I insist that you change your editorial guidelines to outlaw the disgraceful reporting by BBC SOUTH TODAY on June 17, which smeared Dr Rodney Tate. I’ve attached a copy of my email to The Editor, South Today, and the reply, in the form of a blog […]

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