Archive | April, 2010

Not Flash Gordon does the impossible, makes U.S. interested in our election

Labour inheritance – crumbling economy, clipboard Nazis, targets, unintended consequences  “Gillian Duffy may have been outraged by her treatment, but boy, what a reaction she’s managed, and what a revenge she will take. “if Britain is to have a prosperous and free future, its citizens must finally understand the true cul-de-sac, counter productive implications of […]

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Looming Spending Crisis Means Nobody Wants To Take Charge Of Britain

Best For Tories To Sit This One Out, Force Labour To Take Responsibility For Its Own Mess Clegg “victory” just a media creation  The only way I can make sense of this weird election is to assume that neither of the two big parties wants to win. Whoever wins the keys to number 10 will […]

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UKIP Manifesto Includes Global Warming Doubt, Flat-Tax

Of Course, European Union Withdrawal Is Top Of The List Ban Burqa, Smoking Rooms In Pubs, Pensions Saved; HIPS To Go “Someone who did such damage shouldn’t be allowed to spend his retirement in comfort. This man should be exiled to the Falklands” It goes without saying that nobody in their right mind would vote […]

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Tories Will Win Big, Or Big Enough, More’s The Pity

Best For Our Long-Term Future Would Be Inconclusive Labour Win That Would Pin Responsibility For Future Pain Where It Belongs This should be a great day for Britain. Finally, with the election date being set, we have the chance to dump Gordon Brown, this arrogant, cowardly, incompetent, nasty, lying socialist. Unfortunately his likely replacement, David […]

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