Archive | July, 2010

Cameron Cynicism Over Turkey Shows He Truly Is Blair’s Heir

Turkey E.U Membership Would Mean An Avalanche Of Immigration Cameron, The Grandstander, Knows Turkey Membership Won’t Happen “Cameron is clearly not up to the job, but there is nobody in the wings with a strong case to lead” David Cameron is said to have described himself as the heir to Blair, and his self-serving, cynicism […]

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We don’t have to accept “A”27 grid-lock; we can bypass politicians

FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 2010 AT 6:01PM (letter published earlier this week in the Worthing Herald) The Editor Dear Sir Every time I drive east out of Worthing towards Lancing on the “A” 27 these days (I attempt this only at around midday, never at rush hour, and only if I’m feeling lucky) the line of […]

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Hand-wringer in charge of MI5 would let mad Muslims veto foreign policy

Why are our politicians and leaders so frightened of offending radical Muslims?  The latest of the great and good in charge of us to show their true colours is Baroness Manningham-Buller, former MI5 chief, god help us. In her testimony to the Chilcot enquiry on the War in Iraq she said the decision to remove […]

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Alternative Vote Rewards Losers, Would Ruin Our Democracy

AV Fails First Big Test Requiring Simplicity, Transparency How Can You Sensibly Rate Candidates In A Precise Order Of Preference? “if it is so important to have 50 per cent of the vote, why not adopt the French system? There the top two candidates run off one week later” I tried to explain the alternative […]

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Duncan Smith Wows Question Time with Welfare Reform Ideas

That’s Right, “Wow” And Duncan Smith Not An Oxymoron “Sorry. We clearly have nothing to offer. Our ideas are dim-witted and counterproductive. We hereby irrevocably close the Labour Party. It will do no more damage to our fellow citizens in Britain” Afghanistan Incapable Of Reform This Side Of 2100 Try converting them to Christianity for […]

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