Archive | September, 2010

Anyone halfway civilized would have deferred to elder brother David Miliband

Ed must have been aware that his victory would destroy David “That’s why I say that Ed Miliband is an arrogant, thoughtless, selfish fool who by his actions show that he is unqualified to lead” When Ed Miliband decided to stand for the Labour Party leadership he must have been aware of the consequences. Some […]

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Time To Insist That Our Parliamentarians Outlaw This Outrage

British Food Producers Use Uncivilised Hallal Killing To Save Money “As citizens of Britain it is intolerable to try and maintain outdated ideas, which offend the sensibilities of our fellow citizens, and forthwith we declare this hallal activity at an end” – Dream on         You might think that the law about cruelty to animals […]

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Afghanistan’s Leader Thinks You Can “Humiliate” A Book

The childish and uncivilized reaction of some third-world Muslims to the threat to burn the Koran in America shows why the mission in Afghanistan is hopelessly ambitious and will fail. These people are living in a Medieval age. They just don’t get the idea of a modern, liberal democracy where individuals have rights and responsibilities. […]

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A Period Of Silence From Pakistan’s Man In London Would Be Welcome

Why Do Relief Suppliers Have To Humiliate The Recipients? Tony Blair – Be Thankful For His Action On Iraq “An ambassador is an honest man sent abroad to lie for his country,” said Henry Wotton. Someone should tell Pakistan High Commissioner Wajid Shamsul Hasan that there is an implied “sensibly” in that quote, and then […]

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Refudiating Palin – The Spectator ran an article last week attacking Sarah Palin using lazy, yellow press tactics more in common with the tabloid gutter merchants. My protest to the editor was ignored. But here it is:-

The Editor The Spectator Dear Sir, Use facts, not innuendo if you want to “refudiate” Palin If you’re going to badmouth Sarah Palin, perhaps you ought to employ someone who is going to make a bit more of a serious effort than Alexander Chancellor (Palin is beyond a joke, Spectator August 28) This was a […]

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