Archive | October, 2010

As The Dust Settles On Britain’s Economic Plan, It’s Much Ado About Nowt

“I had hoped that our fund to help third world dictators buy more S class Mercedes limousines, hookers and shopping trips to Paris for their wives might be slashed to nothing for the life of this Parliament” The British media is at it again. If you listen/watch/read BBC radio and TV and the mainstream media […]

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Cameron Fails To Impress, But A Challenge Looks Worlds Away

How can Britain pretend to be a democracy and have “Baroness” Warsi in the leadership? “These (U.S.) women have proved themselves in the world of business and now seek to bring this experience into government. This makes the likes of Cameron, Miliband and Clegg look seriously flaky. Not a proper job between them” David Cameron […]

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