Archive | February, 2011

Hey BBC – Stop The Smear And Encourage Free Debate

Is the EDF “vile”? “The BBC parrots these (Extreme Right, Fascist) claims and refuses to concede that to use them shows a complete misunderstanding of history and the language”. “Fascism and communism are not two opposites, but two rival gangs, fighting over the same territory” – Rand The Labour party and some parts of the […]

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BBC cheer leaders want Egypt’s Mubarak out

“Get your views out of my news” “contrary to what the BBC has been reporting, there may be many Egyptians saying “not so fast” to those who would push out the current regime, with no idea how to replace it”. The BBC’s arrogance and incompetence never ceases to amaze. Its coverage of the Egyptian political […]

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