Archive | May, 2011

Britain’s Climate Policy Madness Won’t Change The Weather But Threatens Mass Unemployment

IPCC climate science based on flimsy ground, ignoring sun, cosmic rays, clouds, oceans  “There has been a shameful failure by the grandees of the Royal Society who should have been the guardians of scientific integrity” “Maybe we should revert to the original slang meaning of the word “green”; to be hopelessly naïve, stupid and sophomoric” […]

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Primary elections would give the British system some needed fresh air

“In Britain, anything like the Tea Party movement would be strangled at birth”. “unless the parties give up the central power of veto over candidates, you have achieved nothing”.     Now that the AV phoney war is over, let’s think about a voting reform which would truly transfer power to the people and cut out […]

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Republicans, Monarchists drive us mad with their exaggerations

“Moore seems to think that all these toy-town titles and over-the-top uniforms represent a reality, rather than a rather sweet but obvious illusion” “I expect Dave and Brenda sit around watching Coronation Street, or sharing a cocktail. But decisions of state are not on the agenda.” Listening to Republicans arguing with Monarchists prompted by the […]

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