Archive | July, 2012

Fox News shows lots of empty London Olympic stadiums, saying Romney was right

Fox News, the U.S. cable news channel famous for saying it is fair and balanced,  has been firing back on behalf of Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, falsely maligned by the useless and superficial British media for saying something quite innocuous and true, and for wanting to oust the sainted Barack Obama.     Yesterday, Fox […]

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NHS underlines all that is bad about Britain, but Olympic opening ceremony lauds it

“It represents the triumph of politics over reality. It shows that if you repeat a big lie often enough, the people will eventually come to believe it” “Evidence, which mounts daily, that the NHS is corrupt and incompetent and provides an increasingly useless and often callous service is ignored” I am still refusing to take […]

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NewsNight’s two-part investigation of Muslim practise doesn’t mention Muslims!

    That must have taken a massive editorial effort for BBC TV’s NewsNight programme. In a two part investigation of female genital mutilation by Muslims, the word “Muslim” appeared not once. All through Sue Lloyd-Roberts commentary, which must have lasted about 30 minutes, she talked about “ethnic” reasons, whatever that is, as if that […]

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BBC thinks Syrian revolutionaries are perfect democrats

Obama reveals true colours     The BBC’s coverage of the revolution in Syria is the latest in a series of examples which shows our state-controlled broadcaster doesn’t understand the basic, ethical requirements of journalism in general and its statutory duties of balance and fairness in particular. I’ve just listened to a segment on Radio 5 […]

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Why should we change our culture if it clashes with “minorities”?

    The BBC always takes the side of a culture that is in conflict with ours, however second-rate or Neanderthal it may be. It’s in the BBC’s DNA. On the Sunday morning religious programme on Radio 4 er, “Sunday”,  the presenter, hand-wringing leftie Ed Stourton, interviewed a former British soldier who was a Muslim, […]

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