Archive | May, 2013

Barack Obama

Obama Presidency Hits The Rocks

Scandals, Cover-Ups, Illegal Press Wire Tapes, Wrong-Foot Democrats. BBC Seems Uninterested Now Its Favourite Shows Clay Feet. “As more is revealed about this cover-up, it seems that not only will it destroy Obama’s presidency, but her (Hillary) chances of getting it next time” “The BBC loves Obama and all who sail in his corrupt ship […]

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Cameron UKIP

Dump Cameron, End Coalition, Throw Red Meat To Tory Core

That Might Avert Disaster, Thwart UKIP, And Win The Election In 2015 Primary Elections Will End Central Office Power Over Candidates “resume spending £11 billion on aid a year to impoverished third world countries when we don’t have to borrow to do it” “We now know enough about Cameron the man, and many of us […]

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