Archive | September, 2014

There Is A Simple Way To Improve Our Politics – The Primary

“regional assemblies would build even more layers of government and add barriers between the electorate and leadership” Now that we’ve failed to dump the Scots, our craven politicians are conjuring up crackpot schemes to devolve power or shakeup the constitution. Let me suggest a way to make sure that the current system works better with […]

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Vote “Yes” Please Scots; We Can’t Afford “No” Consequences

Irreversible? Rubbish. Learn Your Lesson, Then Welcome Back. “risible that sterling is worth less without this Scottish basket-case, denuded of talent and left with a grasping, welfare-state drone rump” “When Scots grow up and want to come back, we’d welcome them home again” The need for a “Yes” vote in the Scottish independence referendum takes […]

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Fingers Crossed For “Yes” In Scotland Independence Vote

If You Can Think Of Any Disadvantages, Let Me Know. Less Of A Spending Burden, Likelihood Of Intelligent Governments. “Scotland has over the years been denuded of all the talented people, who have decamped to London” “It won’t be long before they clamour to be let back in again” Hey Scotland. You’re welcome to your […]

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