Archive | April, 2017

Emmanuel Macro

Macron Favoured To Win In France, But Think, Trump, Brexit.

Macron Favoured To Win In France, But Think, Trump, Brexit. “Le Pen’s programme defies accepted definitions of “far right” being way to the left of Macron” “Although she’s often described as a right-winger, Ms. Le Pen’s platform would find sympathy on the far left” “This suggests that socialists, when confronted with these choices, might well […]

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Brighton Parking System Shows Council Arrogance, Contempt

Brighton Parking System Shows Council Arrogance, Contempt. Or Does It? Surely A Good-Faith Reasonable Appeal Will Be Accepted? “I’m awaiting a response to my appeal and I can’t really believe it will be turned down because I clearly acted in good faith” Brighton and Hove City Council’s parking system tells you all you need to […]

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