Archive | June, 2017

Tories Humiliated But Retain Power

Tories Humiliated But Retain Power. I Was Wrong, But That’s Still 3 out of 4. “how could Corbyn get away with shameless cosying up to the IRA, Hamas and Hezbollah. I can only assume most of the voters were just thinking about getting more free stuff” “The Labour Party’s outrageous manipulation of the victims of […]

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Worried About A Labour Victory? Just Think Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbott – It’s Not Going To Happen

Worried About A Labour Victory? Just Think Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbott – It’s Not Going To Happen. “(Corbyn’s) sucking up to the IRA is a killer blow, for all his wriggling and squirming” “stuck in a 1970s time warp with his outdated Chavez socialism” “nationalisation has excited his pimply revolutionary followers and the dangerous fascist mental […]

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Slim Pickings Searching For Sensible Election Policies

Slim Pickings Searching For Sensible Election Policies. “The Tories will win handily – around 50 vote majority – not least because a majority now has conceded we are leaving the EU” “a grotesquely over-taxed nation spending more than it can afford” “initiate a study into how healthcare is provided in France, Germany” “A list of […]

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