BBC, To Nobody’s Surprise, Misreports U.S. Election Debate

BBC, To Nobody’s Surprise, Misreports U.S. Election Debate.

“The BBC was misreporting what was a clear victory for President Trump, with the challenger Joe Biden revealed as a gurning fool, asking loaded questions laced with abuse and half-truths”

The BBC’s first reports on the presidential debate talked of there being no clear winner with the American public generally probably disgusted by the standard of the exchanges.

My first thought was “oh dear, that’s disappointing”, but my second a millisecond later was hang on Neil, this is the BBC, so given its record of axe-grinding leftism, maybe that wasn’t the case.

After spending an hour and half listening to a recording of the debate I can report that my second thought was on the money. The BBC was misreporting what was a clear victory for President Trump, with the challenger Joe Biden revealed as a gurning fool, asking loaded questions laced with abuse and half-truths. He rambled all over the place with disconnected thoughts on questions. And he was abusive too and kept giving class war nonsense replies, probably to keep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the squad happy. The president was a fool, a liar, a clown and a racist. Many of Biden’s answers were weird and nonsensical – the mid-west never had trouble with town-flattening typhoons until Trump to pulled out of the Paris Accord on climate change. And there we have the root of the problem – the moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News.

Right from the off, Wallace was a disaster. The first question was about Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Trump gave a quick and to the point answer. Biden reply was rambling and evasive, going on and about Obamacare. The debate required a quick and incisive intervention to keep the discussion honest and to the point. But Wallace failed to do this, and it was downhill all the way after that. Wallace was probably too keen to show how he wasn’t on Trump’s team but went too far, allowing Biden to much leeway and apparently too frightened to point out some his nonsense replies.

Trump did himself no favours by interrupting too often himself, but his demeanor was serious and presidential while Biden laughed and grinned in an incongruous way and wouldn’t have impressed the floating voter. His attempt to curry favour by talking about tragedies in his family was sickening.

The BBC is still saying Biden was a clear winner citing a CBS poll – loopy to anyone who actually watched the debate, and that’s the key. The BBC doesn’t expect regular listeners/viewers to have actually watched the debate so it can get away with misreporting in favour of its candidate, the Democrat’s Biden/Harris ticket. The BBC added that the stock market is nervous because Trump said he might not accept the result. Trump never said anything of the kind, only pointing to the likely chaos from the likely corrupt postal ballot, which in some states allows votes to count up to a week after the polls close.   

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