Biden v Trump Debate
Biden Gaffe Could Lose Him The Election As Trump Wins Last Debate.
“Will Americans vote for a party that sympathises with Antifa, despises the police, is ambivalent about the military, thinks partial-birth abortion is ok, and has many members who are equivocal about Christians?”
“a quartet so extreme and nutty they even give House Speaker Nancy Pelosi the vapours, as she tries to pretend to voters the Democrats aren’t loopy lefties but serious, middle-of-the-roaders like Biden”
Don’t say I didn’t warn you. When you listen to the BBC coverage of U.S. politics in general and this election campaign in particular, you can’t believe a word it says, not to mention its British mimics in the print media.
The BBC’s first reaction to the last Trump-Biden debate was that it was pretty much even-Steven. That suggested to me (knowing the BBC of old) that Trump was the overwhelming winner. And so it turned out. But this time the BBC hit me with a shocking new timebomb; Jon Sopel either hadn’t listened to the end of the debate or was deliberately covering-up a massive news story. Probably the former.
At the debate this time, Biden was left to verbally wander and meander with his replies. This was always a better idea than all that interrupting because the challenger isn’t playing with a full mental deck and the longer his answers go on, the more nonsensical he gets. So Trump let him ramble and hoped for some chronic misspeaks. Biden didn’t let him down. First Biden called the “Proud Boys” the “Poor Boys”. Then a long, disjointed piece of incoherent nonsense about North Korea’s Kim Jong-un included a reference to Adolf Hitler and his relationship with the U.S. which must have left the audience thinking just what is he on about. Biden showed he thought carbon dioxide (CO2) was a pollutant (it’s not; it’s a crucial life enhancing element), and then made his first big gaffe. He asserted that the U.S. would be CO2 neutral by 2025, when the current target is 2050, although some of his madder supporters like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), potentially his climate-change czar, want this brought down to 2030.
So far, so unimpressive but not a death blow.
Biden torpedoes his campaign
But close to the end, when Sopel had presumably left to file his story, Biden came up with this torpedo to his campaign. He wants to shut down the U.S. oil and gas industry in double quick time.
“I would transition away from the oil industry, yes. The oil industry pollutes, significantly. It has to be replaced by renewable energy over time,” Biden said.
Trump couldn’t believe his luck and jumped straight in.
“Basically what he (Biden) is saying is he is going to destroy the oil industry. Will you remember that (oil rich states) Texas? Pennsylvania? Oklahoma? Ohio?” Trump said.
That might well mean so-called swing states like Pennsylvania and Ohio, will fall in for Trump on election day November 3. And the BBC missed it.
During the debate, Trump also taunted Biden with his claim the challenger wants to stop fracking for oil and gas. Stopping fracking might please a few extreme left party members like AOC and her 3 squad members, but it would quickly bring an end to the U.S.’s hard-won self-sufficiency in oil, decimate the domestic industry and wipe out thousands of highly paid jobs.
The other squad members are all House of Representative members – Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib – a quartet so extreme and nutty they even give House Speaker Nancy Pelois the vapours, as she tries to pretend to voters the Democrats aren’t loopy lefties but serious, middle-of-the-roaders like Biden.
Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris was an ardent anti-fracker during her short, failed campaign for her party’s nomination but has fallen into line (for the time being) to comply with the manifesto. The fact Biden is old and frail, and clearly mentally a few sandwiches short of a picnic and might well not last until the end of a 4-year term, will provide potent policy ammunition in some swing states in the last days of the campaign.
Trump impressive
During the debate, and to normal people but not British journalists based in the U.S., Trump gave a much more impressive performance than previously. He scored big with his pledge to free America from lockdown and get the economy moving again, in contrast to Biden’s threat of more lockdowns, and we are all going to die if we don’t wear face-masks everywhere.
Trump said it was very well for Biden to lock himself in his basement for days, but regular people needed to get to work.
Biden came up with a series of cheap, over-rehearsed and sometimes contradictory jibes. Trump didn’t care about ordinary people, only the rich and Wall Street, when in fact the Biden campaign is overflowing with cash from the likes of Goldman Sachs and other investment banks. Trump had weakened NATO, when in fact he’d made it much stronger by insisting Europe pay its fair share. Trump had somehow sold out to China, when in fact he taken harsh action to restore a fairer playing field. Both these issues had been left to rot under the Obama/Biden 8-year administration.
Another powerful broadside against Biden came when Trump, claiming to have done more for blacks in America than anyone since Abraham Lincoln, reminded black voters the challenger was responsible for a hated act of Congress in the 90s on drug law enforcement which had consigned many African Americans to huge and unfair jail sentences. Trump pointed out Biden had 8 years to put this right and failed. If only a few blacks agree with Trump on this, it might well swing some important states
“Joe Biden is all talk and no action,” Trump said.
More Russian plot nonsense
Trump challenged Biden on his son Hunter’s alleged corrupt employment with a Ukraine company, said to be arranged when he was vice-president, not mention similar allegations about investments in China. Biden’s retort that this was another Russian plot won’t play well with uncommitted voters who have seen Trump hounded to impeachment by what turned out to be false charges.
So will this make any difference to the election?
Sure, because of massive postal voting, a lot of Americans have already sent in their ballots, but there is still much for the Trump campaign to play for. This performance by Trump will have reassured some voters he deserves another 4 years. Some floating voters who don’t pay much attention to politics for long periods, will be outraged that given the Democrats have been bitching and moaning about how useless and horrible Trump was even before he was sworn in, how come all they could find to fight him was a played out old hack like Biden, who mentally has seen better days to put it mildly.
And think of this as the big day looms; will Americans vote for a party that sympathises with the fascist rioters, looters and arsonists of Antifa, that despises the police and wants to take their money away, that won’t condemn senseless toppling of statues of great Americans, that is ambivalent about the military, thinks partial-birth abortion is ok, and has many members who are equivocal about Christians?
Excellent article and logically you are right .However the big unknown as I understand it is the estimated extra 25 million votes in this year’s election. Where are they coming from.?
Secondly do you think the general population understands what’s going on as well as you do.