Britain Doesn’t Have To Concede Lisbon Treaty Defeat

Tell E.U. ,Treaty Can’t Go Ahead Until British People Vote

Come on Cameron, Show Us Some Leadership, Courage

The Tories are trying to be too cute with their “stand” over the  E.U.’s Lisbon Treaty, following Ireland’s shameful, craven, and cowardly “yes” vote.
“Let’s wait until we get into power. Let’s wait and see if Czechistan or Poland ratifies the treaty. There’s no point taking a policy stand now, when we can’t know what the conditions will be when/if we win power next year,” is more or less what shadow foreign secretary William Hague told BBC Radio 4’s World at One today.
The Tories don’t have to be so weak. The party should be taking a much more vigorous and pro-active stand. Britain should be saying there can be no ratification of Lisbon until the British have expressed their democratic view, as promised by the Labour Party in its last manifesto. The “ratification” by Britain’s Parliament had no standing because it didn’t provide the voice of the people in a promised referendum, as promised and denied by the Labour Party.
It’s no use saying that the Irish have let us down. Mind you, what kind of people would embrace the “yes” cause in this way? Surely any people with an ounce of self-respect would have overwhelmingly rejected this second vote. But now the Irish have shown their true colours, Britain still has the power to make its own decision. We don’t have to rely on anyone else.
All parties at the last election promised we would have a referendum, but Gordon Brown and his cabinet of second rate weaklings and shysters on the make lied to us about the nature of the Lisbon treaty, to get off the hook they’d created by promising us a vote. They knew they would lose this vote on a treaty, which creates more institutions in foreign policy and other areas that we don’t want, and creates the office of President, which looks like being taken by Tony Blair of all people. (No voting, of course; this is the European Union, don’t forget). The Tories are hoping something will turn up so that that they can avoid taking any tough decisions over this potentially divisive issue for the party as it gathers in Manchester for its annual conference.
If, between now and our general election (presumably next May) the E.U. insists that technically, after Czechland and Poland ratify (if they do) the Lisbon treaty is approved, it will be an outrage this overbearing and undemocratic organisation will regret. It will simply open a running sore with the British people that will never heal.
The Tories must be tough. David Cameron must tell Brussels, Britain will have its referendum. The treaty cannot proceed to ratification until the British are allowed their promised vote. But this will take political courage, backbone and principle, three crucial attributes in a leader that I don’t think Cameron has.
Surprise me this week if you can, Dave.

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