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BBC Lauds Hobsbawm, The Apologist For Stalin

“Radio 4 used lefty hand-wringer Simon Schama to do the honours. Result; an apology for a man who excused murdering monsters” “Hobsbawm reminds me of Bertrand Russell, the “brilliant” academic, dumb as a daisy when confronted with real life questions”.     The BBC made it sound as though maybe the discoverer of penicillin or […]

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NewsNight’s two-part investigation of Muslim practise doesn’t mention Muslims!

    That must have taken a massive editorial effort for BBC TV’s NewsNight programme. In a two part investigation of female genital mutilation by Muslims, the word “Muslim” appeared not once. All through Sue Lloyd-Roberts commentary, which must have lasted about 30 minutes, she talked about “ethnic” reasons, whatever that is, as if that […]

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BBC thinks Syrian revolutionaries are perfect democrats

Obama reveals true colours     The BBC’s coverage of the revolution in Syria is the latest in a series of examples which shows our state-controlled broadcaster doesn’t understand the basic, ethical requirements of journalism in general and its statutory duties of balance and fairness in particular. I’ve just listened to a segment on Radio 5 […]

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Why should we change our culture if it clashes with “minorities”?

    The BBC always takes the side of a culture that is in conflict with ours, however second-rate or Neanderthal it may be. It’s in the BBC’s DNA. On the Sunday morning religious programme on Radio 4 er, “Sunday”,  the presenter, hand-wringing leftie Ed Stourton, interviewed a former British soldier who was a Muslim, […]

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BBC’s self-criticism of its “Arab Spring” reporting welcome but late

“why can’t it simply report the facts without trying to dress up the “Arab Spring” as something it is not?”       BBC chiefs are criticising the organisation’s own coverage of the so-called Arab Spring, and singles out Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen for special criticism. Unfortunately, it’s a bit late, for huge damage has […]

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BBC allows brazen Balls to forget his incompetence got us into this mess

“When a business goes bankrupt, the perpetrators are forced to go through the humiliation of bankruptcy and face years of purdah. Why don’t we insist on something similar for our politicians?”     BBC Radio 4 Today presenter Evan Davis. interviewed Labour Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls, the architect of our economic doom while assisting Gordon Brown.     Balls […]

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Hey Politicians; listen to Niall Ferguson. He’ll put you right

    Niall Ferguson’s Reith Lectures promise to be scintillating and timely, showing how the west has been stumbling economically over the last 20 or so years. We (or rather our useless politicians) have been stealing from future generations by spending money we don’t have on an unaffordable welfare state. This happens because politicians can […]

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Is there a secret BBC charter clause not to offend Muslims?

    There must be a hidden amendment in the BBC’s charter which says that in addition to balance and fairness, thou shalt never offend Muslims, no matter how egregious their offences against our culture.     BBC Radio 4’s Today programme er today, had a debate at the end on the government’s plan to stop […]

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What’s “right-wing” about Ukranian extremists? Nothing, BBC concedes (at least I think it does)

    Finally, a minor triumph over the BBC to report. Right-wing extremists in Ukraine are now routinely described as “extremists”.     After watching the news earlier in the week, in which the BBC reported on its own “documentary” about racist football crowds in Ukraine,  the revolting yoboes in the crowd, who were proffering some […]

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WintonsWorld-BBC Diary

    Stop Hallal Now “Wouldn’t you think that of all social groups, religions would be concerned that animals were slaughtered humanely?” “The next time you are asked if you have any special dietary requirements, reply, “No Hallal meat please”      According to the BBC, a leading vet believes 25 per cent of British meat […]

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