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BBC South Today Uses Crude, Tabloid Tactics To SmearDoctor

The BBC can truly be a malign, bullying and worrying influence. The BBC’s operatives, when challenged, always put on an air of superiority and talk about their world class standards. Most of the time, this is a dangerous illusion, it seems to me. The BBC is a monopoly, is funded by government edict, often has […]

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Another BBC week; cowardice, amateurism, bullying, bias

    The BBC Radio 4 Today programme reported on Saturday morning on a “candid” and “honest” interview Prime Minister Gordon Brown had given the Guardian newspaper. Bias, amateurism Forgive me being so sensitive about these things, but nobody who has ever heard of standards in journalism could possibly fall into such a schoolboy trap, […]

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BBC G20 reporting left impression Brown had triumphed; reverse is the truth

I’m never sure with the BBC. Is it biased, or incompetent, or both? Watching BBCTV’s NewsNight last night, and listening to BBC Radio 4 Today’s reporting on the outcome of the G20, were they being relentlessly wrong, or relentlessly corrupt? I can’t make up my mind. Both, is the probable answer. NewsNight led its examination […]

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BBC climate report is balderdash; where is the balance and fairness?

 “There was no climate crisis, there is no climate crisis and there will be no climate crisis. The correct solution is to do nothing” As promised last week, here is the knockdown to the BBC’s latest scaremongering on climate change. If you recall, the BBC reported from the Copenhagen Climate Conference that sea levels will rise […]

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BBC Thinks Prince Charles Lacks Environmental Credibility

The heir to the throne made his much-flagged speech saying that we had only 8-1/2 years to save the world from destruction. And yet the report from Brazil ran about 19th on BBCTV’s 10 o’clock news. Actually, it was the very last item on the broadcast, usually reserved for some ditzy, showbiz stuff, and I’d lost […]

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Latest BBC climate scare story will be wrong, and go uncorrected

  “Fool Who Would Be King will tell us we have only “100 months left” to save the planet”   Here’s a prediction for you, based on bitter experience of the BBC. The latest scare story on climate change from the BBC, which claims sea levels will rise 3 feet 4 inches in the next […]

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