It is a measure of Gordon Brown’s breathtaking arrogance and ignorance that he seeks to dismiss those who challenge the scientific consensus on climate change as ignorant “flat-earthers”. You might think, generously, that surely, for better or worse Brown is our leader after all, he wouldn’t lie or twist the facts to […]
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Human Production Of CO2 Isn’t Warming The Planet
Models Claim To Predict 2100, But Failed To See Current Weather “CO2 Is Good For You” “Kyoto-Like Agreements Will Lead To A World Command Economy With Totalitarian Overtones” Thank goodness they weren’t a bunch of bearded, sandal-wearing nutters. I spent a day in Brussels this week at a contrarian climate change conference organised by former […]
U.N.’s IPCC fiddled climate change data – Christopher Booker
World leaders at the Copenhagen Climate summit next month will be determined to save the world, but according to a new book by British iconoclast Christopher Booker, the science purporting to show that humans are destroying the climate is wrong, and some U.N. data justifying harsh action to curb CO2 has been falsified. […]
Fossil fuel overestimate would mean no global warming
Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere might never reach the danger levels predicted by climate change zealots because supplies of oil and gas will peak much earlier than currently assumed, said a U.S. fuel expert and academic. Warmists have also underestimated the extent that CO2 has been gobbled up by plants and […]
BBC climate report is balderdash; where is the balance and fairness?
“There was no climate crisis, there is no climate crisis and there will be no climate crisis. The correct solution is to do nothing” As promised last week, here is the knockdown to the BBC’s latest scaremongering on climate change. If you recall, the BBC reported from the Copenhagen Climate Conference that sea levels will rise […]
BBC Thinks Prince Charles Lacks Environmental Credibility
The heir to the throne made his much-flagged speech saying that we had only 8-1/2 years to save the world from destruction. And yet the report from Brazil ran about 19th on BBCTV’s 10 o’clock news. Actually, it was the very last item on the broadcast, usually reserved for some ditzy, showbiz stuff, and I’d lost […]
Latest BBC climate scare story will be wrong, and go uncorrected
“Fool Who Would Be King will tell us we have only “100 months left” to save the planet” Here’s a prediction for you, based on bitter experience of the BBC. The latest scare story on climate change from the BBC, which claims sea levels will rise 3 feet 4 inches in the next […]
CERN Scientists See Power In Sun Theory
May 1998 CERN Scientists See Power In Sun Theory. World governments are signing up to a treaty seeking to stop mankind destroying the climate, but some experts say the sun may dictate the world’s weather and want to test the theory. The European Union signed the Kyoto treaty on climate change in New York last […]
Futile Climate Action Would Also Hurt Poor
December 1997 Futile Climate Action Would Also Hurt Poor. Attempts by governments to cut emissions of greenhouse gases would not only be futile, but would aggravate poverty, slash economic growth, and cause job losses, a British study said. The study, “Climate Change — Challenging the Conventional Wisdom”, includes contributions from academics in Britain and the […]
Politicians Outstrip Science In Race To Be Green
July 1997 Politicians Outstrip Science In Race To Be Green. Politicians are convinced they must save the world from global warming, but scientists are hesitating, saying nothing has been proved yet. And some experts say heavy-handed measures to stop warming may do more harm than good. World leaders at last month’s United Nations Earth Summit […]
Neil Winton Tweets
- @wintonsauto “The deal is the largest commercial order to date for Volvo electric trucks, and the first 130 vehicle… 2 years ago
- @wintonsauto "The EU was aware China had a huge lead in making and selling battery electric vehicles but still tigh… 2 years ago
- @wintonsauto “the EU is generating attractive conditions for EVs and the more efficient Chinese, while making it mo… 2 years ago
- @GBNEWS @neiloliver this bloke says there’s no weighty opinion against the #climateemergency conventional wisdom- l… 2 years ago
The Left’s Far/Hard/Extreme Right Slur Is Baseless And Cynical February 3, 2025
Democrats Believed Americans Wouldn’t See Through Harris Con Trick. January 15, 2025
Climate Change Denial Is An Oxymoron January 3, 2025
Trump Triumph Will Shake Media, Democrat Party To The Core, And Then Some November 10, 2024
Worried About A Labour Victory? Just Think Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbott – It’s Not Going To Happen June 6, 2017
Trump Brushes Aside Biden “Lawfare” Plot; Will The Incumbent Survive? June 3, 2024
Obama Win Means U.S. Problems Will Worsen November 8, 2012
Tories Humiliated But Retain Power June 10, 2017
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