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BBC Should Lead Debate On Health Care

BBC Should Lead Debate On Health Care; Just How Do They Do It Abroad? “dead-end of top-down health care, doled out to us pleading serfs by modern day Lords of the Manor” “if anyone hints at not believing that the biggest bureaucracy in Europe is an example to the world, a lynch mob seems to […]

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NHS underlines all that is bad about Britain, but Olympic opening ceremony lauds it

“It represents the triumph of politics over reality. It shows that if you repeat a big lie often enough, the people will eventually come to believe it” “Evidence, which mounts daily, that the NHS is corrupt and incompetent and provides an increasingly useless and often callous service is ignored” I am still refusing to take […]

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Lucky Megrahi – extended life thanks to release from NHS

Here’s something the BBC missed, although because one of its core beliefs is that Britons must love the NHS or else, it was probably omitted by design. The Wall Street Journal Europe today has a fascinating editorial (and OpEd piece from Megrahi’s doctor) , which, if the journalists on the BBC were doing their job, […]

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