I’ve never understood why freeborn Englishmen and women could ever be so insecure as to think they need to hand over their rights to foreigners in Brussels order to succeed in the world. And if you say that as someone of a certain age, I might be responsible for this because of […]
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Reform now; Parliament must regain government control, elect PM separately. Goodbye E.U.
Now the dust is settling on the MP’s expenses scandal, we can turn to the urgent reform of the political system. Our politics have been seriously flawed for years because of the failure of its most important principle, the separation of powers. The idea that Parliament should hold the government to account, […]
Despite the turmoil, Britain’s Brown will hang on to the bitter end
For all the talk of revolution, upheaval and change, nothing much is going to happen in British politics this side of a general election, which still looks likely to happen a year from now. Yes, Speaker Michael “Gorbals” Martin has gone and that was unprecedented, but nothing else has really changed. Listening […]
Will the public still loath politicians a year from now, when it matters?
I was always going to vote for UKIP in the European elections on June 4, and it is clear that other minor parties like the BNP and the Greens will do well, following public disgust with the mainstreamers after the Parliamentary expenses scandal. The difficult question is – what happens afterwards. Will […]
Islam, like Communism, can’t be trusted and must be challenged
THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 2009 AT 5:45PM “The U.S. is not and never will be at war with Islam,” said U.S. President Barack Obama the other day in Turkey. I suppose that was a nice thing to say given his surroundings, but it set me thinking, and I’ve tried to make some sense of what our attitude […]
Jack Jones did more damage to Britain than most in a long life
So farewell then, Jack Jones, aged 96. I think it’s fair to say that Jones did relatively little damage to Britain and his fellow countrymen in the last third of his life. But boy, did he create mayhem in the middle bit. Arrogant and self-righteous, this leftie-fascist led the union movement when it was at […]
France’s Sarkozy speaks for Britain too in his E.U. denial to Turkey
Thank you President Nicholas Sarkozy. You alone among Western leaders have had the courage to face the facts about Turkey, and say, “No”, to membership of the European Union. Free trade? Sure. Help and advice to develop Turkey’s economy? No problem. Political union? Never. U.S. President Barack Obama thinks the European Union should admit Turkey. […]
BBC G20 reporting left impression Brown had triumphed; reverse is the truth
I’m never sure with the BBC. Is it biased, or incompetent, or both? Watching BBCTV’s NewsNight last night, and listening to BBC Radio 4 Today’s reporting on the outcome of the G20, were they being relentlessly wrong, or relentlessly corrupt? I can’t make up my mind. Both, is the probable answer. NewsNight led its examination […]
U.K. media ignores Hannan’s Brown critique; shamed by U.S. cover
The British media finally, begrudgingly, gave some publicity to Conservative MEP Dan Hannan’s marvellous peroration to Prime Minister Gordon Brown from the floor of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. Watching the hated, useless, arrogant bully Brown squirm and try to deflect the attack using his twisted Aw Shucks smile was beautiful to behold – […]
Labour makes hard work of everything, as well as disguising the truth
Top marks to Sunday Telegraph columnist Melissa Kite for her splendid idea about why the Labour party calls itself er, the Labour Party. I’d always thought that “Labour” was meant to distance the party from its true Communist/Socialist/Marxist/Fascist underpinnings. We all know that indeed this is whence Labour’s brothers and commissars began and continue their […]
Neil Winton Tweets
- @wintonsauto “The deal is the largest commercial order to date for Volvo electric trucks, and the first 130 vehicle… https://t.co/wsmS8HW07W 2 years ago
- @wintonsauto "The EU was aware China had a huge lead in making and selling battery electric vehicles but still tigh… https://t.co/PL4Cv8CWOF 2 years ago
- @wintonsauto “the EU is generating attractive conditions for EVs and the more efficient Chinese, while making it mo… https://t.co/RcnPK3YoUI 2 years ago
- @GBNEWS @neiloliver this bloke says there’s no weighty opinion against the #climateemergency conventional wisdom- l… https://t.co/GHPooYDk6x 2 years ago
The Left’s Far/Hard/Extreme Right Slur Is Baseless And Cynical February 3, 2025
Democrats Believed Americans Wouldn’t See Through Harris Con Trick. January 15, 2025
Climate Change Denial Is An Oxymoron January 3, 2025
Trump Triumph Will Shake Media, Democrat Party To The Core, And Then Some November 10, 2024
Worried About A Labour Victory? Just Think Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbott – It’s Not Going To Happen June 6, 2017
Trump Brushes Aside Biden “Lawfare” Plot; Will The Incumbent Survive? June 3, 2024
Obama Win Means U.S. Problems Will Worsen November 8, 2012
Tories Humiliated But Retain Power June 10, 2017
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