Charlatan Cameron Puts Career Before Principle, Again

cameron-dumbIf Cameron had an ounce of integrity, he would simply say he had given his word on a matter of supreme importance, and he would carry out that pledge forthwith. But that might jeopardise his precious career. Don’t hold your breath for action”

Like President Bill Clinton and former Premier Tony Blair, Prime Minister David Cameron is a superficial power junky living only for the limo.

Some of us could see from day one that Cameron was a charlatan of the first order. Cameron would say anything if his advisors thought it might win him a few more votes. I was first aware of Cameron when he was being interviewed on BBC Radio 4 and he talked about how he wanted to detoxify the Tory Brand. Brand! Cameron thinks the Tory party can be sold like some kind of soap flakes company.

Since then, Cameron, in the thrall of new-age nut job Steve Hilton, has pursued a relentlessly wet, hand-wringing course wherever possible. Global warming? Don’t bother me with the facts, much safer to go with the conventional wisdom. Education? Yes, I know that the Labour Party plan to send 50 per cent of our children to university is hopelessly over-ambitious, not to say pointless and unaffordable, but don’t let’s address the principle, it might cost us votes.

Margaret Churchill
Cameron has avoided any action which might cause him a little bit of aggravation and threaten his tenure of Number 10. If he did do anything that might create a bit of aggro, he made sure he could blame the poor old Liberal Democrats. His consistently brazen use of family to show he was a caring man of the people showed a superficial careerist with no principles. His CV was ridiculously thin for somewhere seeking high office. Yet the dimwit Tory party membership embraced him as if he was a combination of Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill.

Cameron even got away with the ultra-cynical decision to avoid any threat to his power base by pretending that the national interest demanded he share power with the LibDems, when tradition called for a minority government to carry on until defeated in the House of Commons. The fact that the result of a general election was indecisive has never been an excuse to form a government proposing a series of measures nobody voted for. A hung Parliament should mean a new election in months, not some excuse to fiddle the rules and try and make it last for five more years.  Among other devious moves, Cameron managed to get out from under the pledge to have a referendum on the E.U.’s Lisbon Treaty. He threatened to throw out the Muslim maniacs at Hizb ut-Tahrir. They’re still here.


But surely Cameron has take one cynical step too far now (and I say this with little confidence that he will finally be rumbled). Cameron has been caught in a move so utterly beyond contempt, even the dim-witted blue rinsers who voted him in must be recoiling with revulsion.

You will recall that last week a certain Mohammed Ibrahim, who killed 12-year old Amy Houston, was allowed to stay in the country because the Human Rights Act said that he was entitled to a family life. No matter that he was an illegal immigrant who had shown a shocking contempt for Britain and its laws. No matter that Amy Houston’s father appeared on our television screens to plea for justice for his daughter. The nation asked in despair, how could this happen in a civilised country? What kind of cowards govern us that they don’t have the guts to fix what isn’t even a complicated problem. Ibrahim is here. He should be thrown out. If this conflicts with the Human Rights Act, change it. And this is where the full Cameron venality comes to the fore. Cameron promised action in the most embarrassing way, but has since bottled out, now that the votes are safely counted.

Last January, no doubt spurred on by an emoting Steve Hilton, Cameron wrote to Mr Houston. He invoked his own family tragedy to show Mr Houston how he shared his pain, and get a few more votes.

The first line of the letter tells you all you really need to know.

“As someone who sadly has been recently bereaved, I do have a little idea of what you must have been through.”

Pass the sick-bag Alice. Later in the letter, Cameron makes this “pledge”.

“A Conservative Government would replace the Human Rights Act with a British bill of Rights which, while incorporating the European Convention of Human Rights, would ensure that rights are better balanced against responsibilities,” Cameron said.

The going got tough
So Cameron thought it was a good idea to use his own personal bereavement as a political tool to curry favour with Mr Houston and raise his expectations. He then dropped this pledge when the going got tough. When Cameron assumed control at No 10, he wriggled out from his pledge by saying it was beyond his power now because he had to first convince the LibDems.

There was no need for Cameron to write to Mr Houston. He could have addressed the issue without personalising it. He didn’t have to bring attention to his own tragedy, but, hey, it might win a few more sympathy votes. Perhaps if Cameron had actually taken some action, this overly emotional approach might have been justified. But of course Cameron had no intention of acting, if it meant there was a smidgeon of  danger to his career.

If Cameron had an ounce of integrity, he would simply say he had given his word on a matter of supreme importance, and he would carry out that pledge forthwith. But that might jeopardise his precious career. Don’t hold your breath for action.


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