Kamala Blows It As Campaign Cranks Up Trump Insults

“Describing Trump as a fascist has become the stock in trade of the Democrat campaign against the former president and only serves to underline its desperation”

    Kamala Harris probably blew her last chance to win the U.S. presidency as she fumbled and blustered her way through a Town Hall meeting, aired on CNN.

    Now the Democrat party looks like losing, the gloves are off and it’s into smut and personal insults. Harris says Trump is a fascist. Hillary Clinton says he’s Hitler in disguise. Long-term Democrat paid gob Robert Reich had penis envy in the headline of his latest column. 

    Democrats talk about how much they love open, free and legal elections, then try and derail voter ID at every opportunity. The Democrat party, like our own dear Labour party, is institutionally corrupt and sanctimonious with it. Democrats use lawfare to stop States trying to clean up their electoral rolls as they try to remove the dead and illegal immigrants. California now says it is illegal to even ask for voter ID. What kind of party would support Representative Adam (Russia, Russia, Russia) Schiff, the essence of corruption, as a senator for California? 

    A Town Hall meeting (in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, a “swing” state) suggests an attempt to demonstrate how the candidate can handle real people asking simple questions which can cut to the chase of political debate. This was undermined from the start when it became clear the questions had been edited and selected by the Harris team. 

     In the event, she bombed. That’s no real surprise considering her record of never having been exposed to a serious, harsh political campaign. The sheer desperation of her plight came when the questioner, CNN’s Anderson Cooper, asked Harris if she thought former president Trump was a fascist.

    “Yes, I do,” she replied.

    Describing Trump as a fascist has become the stock in trade of the Democratic campaign against the former president and only serves to underline its desperation. Sinking so low is a concession that they face defeat. Personal abuse has become their stock in trade. It’s also likely Harris doesn’t have the slightest clue what a fascist is. The same goes for many on the left who routinely use the word as a meaningless insult to people they don’t like and are losing arguments with. In Britain, this is reserved for opponents classified by the left as Fascist “hard” or “extreme right.

    Socialists on steroids

    This is ridiculous. As anyone who’s studied politics knows (like me B.A. (Hons) Politics, Leicester University, 1969) fascists are of the left. They are socialists on steroids. Mussolini was the original 20th-century fascist and graduated from the Italian communist party. The British Union of Fascists was led by Oswald Mosely, who moved from the Labour Party. German NAZIs conveniently labeled themselves “socialist“ and this showed in its cradle-to-grave welfare, pensions, and most damning of all, its hatred of capitalism. The only thing right-wing thing about the NAZIs and fascists is their relationship with Communists. Fascists co-op the so-called corporate state, which allows a certain role for big business. Commies of course insist that the entire economy is controlled by the commissars.  

    But I digress.  

    Various big-time high-profile Democrats criticized Harris’s performance.  Veteran Democratic strategist David Axelrod, who helped Barack Obama win two terms as president, called the performance “Word salad city”.

    What did she say?

    “Word-salad” has become accepted slang to describe Harris’s deep discomfort with words. She rambles around subjects with much arm waving and cackling, seems to lose track of what she’s trying to say, and leaves audiences looking puzzled and quizzical, with much muttering of “what did she say?” More to the point, others say “How can this possibly be a serious presidential candidate”.

    Van Jones, another prominent talking head on CNN who also worked in the Obama administration, echoed Axelrod’s key point.

    The Democrats have only themselves to blame for lumbering themselves with Harris. It was clear after a couple of years in the job that President Joe Biden’s mental faculties were fading fast, and that he would have to be replaced. But the leadership, for some reason, allowed Biden to win the primary elections. 

    Democrats were probably lulled into inaction because their successful strategy for Biden in 2020 had been to shield him from public gaze. The Covid pandemic provided a perfect excuse. They – probably led by Obama and the Clintons – reckoned that they could manipulate Biden behind the scenes. But Biden’s disastrous debating performance with Trump in late June blew that strategy out of the water. 

“as well as the guilty Democrat operatives, the main-stream media must have been party to the scam”

     Most Americans, like Europeans, don’t follow politics very closely between elections. But the debate with Trump attracted a massive audience of mainly middle-of-the-road voters who must have been astonished to see how far Biden had fallen. Not only that, it was also perfectly obvious that as well as the guilty Democrat operatives, the main-stream media must have been party to the scam to pretend that Biden was playing with a full deck. This realisation will have poisoned the well for the Democrats. 

    The Democrats, instead of using an open, competitive system to replace Biden on the ticket, or even allowing the convention to showcase a candidate competition, decided to force through a Harris candidacy. After all, she could be managed behind the scenes just like Biden.

    Taken for fools again?    

    The trouble is hopeless Harris had ascended to the vice-presidency because Biden (or Obama, or Clintons) wanted a minority female in the usually ceremonial role. Her hopelessness will only remind the voters outraged earlier by the Biden conspiracy that were cynically duped by the Democrat party and are being taken for fools again.

    The opinion polls suggest a close contest, but I think that even a fleeting exposure to Harris will make clear to floating voters that she would be a disaster as president. I’m off the America next week and I’ll be reporting from Southport, North Carolina.

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