Kamala Harris Candidacy Won’t Survive The Debate

Kamala Harris Candidacy Won’t Survive The Debate

“Having Harris as the candidate was acceptable to Obama because as with Biden, she would be easily controllable. But if Harris wins, think of it as President Obama’s 4th term”

    After the Joe Biden debate debacle, the independent American voter won’t be fooled again, and that spells doom for the Democratic party nominee Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign.

     Like most normal voters across the West, Americans aren’t addicted to politics, and that explains the explosive reaction to Joe Biden’s stumbling and erratic debate performance. News addicts like me were well aware that the demented old fool couldn’t possibly carry out a 2nd term. He clearly was having difficulties making it through this one. 

    And here’s the key factor. When the average American voter, not constantly tuned into the news, saw how far gone Biden was during the nationally televised debate, they immediately twigged they had been cheated and gaslighted by the American mainstream media and the Democrat party. 

     Harris will rapidly be seen as nothing but a sham, (in the Trump/Harris presidential debate next Tuesday) hollow candidate nominated by some obscure racial and gender performance formula to the vice-presidency. They will see they’ve been taken for fools, again, by the media and the Democrats. They won’t stand for it.  

    Hunter Biden laptop 

    During the Joe Biden presidential campaign, the fact he was confined to his basement and gave only a few very short media opportunities was easily explained away by the Democrat party as necessary precautions because of the Covid epidemic. Some epic corruption by the Democrat party also helped to quell the Donald Trump vote, including the censorship of the report on the Hunter Biden laptop with the cooperation of social media giants.

    The famous letter signed by 51 defense experts which said that the laptop wasn’t genuine also sounded convincing at the time but was later found to be completely untrue. The 51 “experts” included former Obama CIA Director John Brennan, former Obama DNI James Clapper, and former CIA director, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, among others. 

    Harsh price for the 51

    Current Secretary of State Antony Blinken allegedly played a role in organizing the letter (https://judiciary.house.gov/media/in-the-news/biden-campaign-blinken-orchestrated-intel-letter-discredit-hunter-biden-laptop) which claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was part of a Russian disinformation campaign. No doubt these “experts” will be shaking in their shoes if Trump wins because a court of law will see that their lies were on the record and signed for. He will no doubt be after them demanding they pay a harsh price for their lies, which, along with the social media censorship, could well have cost Trump the 2020 election. 

    This of course has been played down by the BBC and our lazy mainstream media. Don’t forget that when newspapers with political views as divergent as the Guardian and the Telegraph more or less agree about U.S. politics you should smell a rat. I can tell you from my experience of eight years as a reporter and editor based in New York City that the British reporters based in Washington are a rat pack whose modus operandi takes its cue from what the mainstream U.S. media says, and write stories vaguely based on that. Much easier than having to do your own reporting. This of course also means that reporters in Washington never meet any mainstream, real Americans, and probably think the entire nation is basically lefty. 

    Kavanaugh hearing revealed all about Harris

    So next Tuesday we will see Harris exposed. Her word salads have become famous, where she circles around a subject using many pretentious but meaningless sentences. Her presidential campaign in 2020 crashed and burned early, when it became clear she was only interested in the title and had no clue what to do with it. An important clue to her unreliable, not to say nasty, character came during the hearings for nominated Supreme Court judge Brett Kavanaugh. She took a leading role in trying to discredit Kavanaugh with many barely believable and unprovable smears including Christine Blasey Ford’s flakey accusations against him of a high school-era sexual assault. 

    The biggest surprise about the Harris candidacy is that it’s happening at all. For months it was obvious that Biden wouldn’t be the presidential nominee, and just as obvious Harris hadn’t a hope of winning it. She was so obviously second-rate and flawed. The arguments about a stronger candidate didn’t in the end lead to anyone obvious stepping up, but anyone but Kamala was the favourite. The fallback position was the Democrat National Convention, a more traditional process where the delegates actually voted looked like a good idea. But that was seen as too risky for the panjandrums of the Democrat Party, led by Barrack Obama.

    Stumbling mumbling cackling

    Having Harris as the candidate in the end was acceptable to the likes of Obama because as with Biden, she would be easily controllable. So if Harris wins, think of it as President Obama’s 4th term.

    But that isn’t going to happen. The media is full of stories saying opinion polls predict a Harris win. That always happens after a convention, even one as preposterous and hollow as the latest DNC. Half an hour of Harris stumbling and mumbling and making no sense then cackling madly and she’ll be headed for defeat. “Where the hell did she come from” will be the consensus, I’d guess. 

    Always assuming Trump can button his lip and play the statesman for a couple of hours. I’d say that was a given. After all, he really wants this, not least for the immense pleasure of throwing the 51 “experts” into jail.

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