Tag Archives | Ayn Rand

Rand’s Great Novel “We The Living” Set In 1920’s Russia

Rand’s Great Novel “We The Living” Set In 1920’s Russia. Touching Love Story; Horrendous Warning About State Power. How Can Such Powerful And Poetic Writing Have Such A Low Profile? “You’ve driven us into an iron cellar, you’ve closed all the doors, and locked us airtight, airtight till the blood vessels of our spirits burst” […]

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Atlas Shrugged – The Movie. At Last, Hollywood Tackles Rand’s Masterpiece

Toxic Timing: As Presidential Campaign Starts, Obama Parallels Will Be Obvious “Reviews will split politically, as leftists seek to cover up their lies, and hope to divert Atlas Shrugged’s message that socialism enslaves and impoverishes, while freedom/capitalism liberates and improves the lot of even, or especially, the poorest” “We’ve seen the utopian Obamacare legislation, which […]

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Ayn Rand’s view of Robin Hood differs a bit from Bill Nighy’s

“Until men learn that of all human symbols, Robin Hood is the most immoral and the most contemptible, there will no justice on earth and no way for mankind to survive”     When I heard Bill Nighy supporting the so-called Robin Hood plan to rob the rich and give to the poor, (otherwise known […]

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