Tag Archives | conservative

Tories to win working majority; but will we notice any real change?

“Cameron will win because he is not Gordon Brown. Just like Blair and New Labour won in 1997 by not being Tories” “Maybe Cameron will emerge in full Margaret Thatcher mode, slashing and burning the fascist state, to create a freedom loving, prosperous, low tax, well educated nation” The Tories will win a strong, working majority […]

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Cameron Speech Was Clever, Emotional And Impressive

But He Fails My Test On Europe, Climate Change, NHS and Tax One Failure Might Be Negotiable, But 4 Means “Thumbs Down” I won’t be voting for a party that is afraid to stand up for solid, Conservative principles. Lucky old UKIP, I say.     I’ve been agonising over whether to swallow my principles and […]

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U.K. media ignores Hannan’s Brown critique; shamed by U.S. cover

The British media finally, begrudgingly, gave some publicity to Conservative MEP Dan Hannan’s marvellous peroration to Prime Minister Gordon Brown from the floor of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. Watching the hated, useless, arrogant bully Brown squirm and try to deflect the attack using his twisted Aw Shucks smile was beautiful to behold – […]

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