“Primary Elections Would Hold Deadbeats To Account, Restore Power To Members” How did the Conservative Party become so mediocre, spineless and un-Conservative? What can be done to restore control to proper conservatives? The answers are David Cameron, and primary elections. If you think the Tories have a death wish, bringing back […]
Tag Archives | David Cameron

Manifestos Everywhere, But Not Much Compelling Argument
Manifestos Everywhere, But Not Much Compelling Argument. Boring Variations On Worn Out Themes. Flat Tax, Kill Climate Act, Shake up NHS, Defence 2%, Reform Islam? “If you’ve spent kerzillions of pounds you’ve borrowed you have to pay it back. You can’t disagree with austerity” So many manifestos, so little impact. I’ve tried to pay […]

Dump Cameron, End Coalition, Throw Red Meat To Tory Core
That Might Avert Disaster, Thwart UKIP, And Win The Election In 2015 Primary Elections Will End Central Office Power Over Candidates “resume spending £11 billion on aid a year to impoverished third world countries when we don’t have to borrow to do it” “We now know enough about Cameron the man, and many of us […]

Time To Go Cameron; Step Forward Michael Gove
Forget Murdoch Saga, Cameron’s Policy Failure List Is Huge Lisbon Treaty, Climate Change, NHS, Libya, Turkey, Israel, Immigration, Clegg, Grammar Schools, Human Rights Act, Grandstanding Foreign Aid with borrowed money, the list goes on “this list isn’t exhaustive, and doesn’t include the predictable clanger of hiring some oik from the gutter press to handle the […]

Charlatan Cameron Puts Career Before Principle, Again
“If Cameron had an ounce of integrity, he would simply say he had given his word on a matter of supreme importance, and he would carry out that pledge forthwith. But that might jeopardise his precious career. Don’t hold your breath for action” Like President Bill Clinton and former Premier Tony Blair, Prime Minister David […]

Cameron Fails To Impress, But A Challenge Looks Worlds Away
How can Britain pretend to be a democracy and have “Baroness” Warsi in the leadership? “These (U.S.) women have proved themselves in the world of business and now seek to bring this experience into government. This makes the likes of Cameron, Miliband and Clegg look seriously flaky. Not a proper job between them” David Cameron […]
Cameron Cynicism Over Turkey Shows He Truly Is Blair’s Heir
Turkey E.U Membership Would Mean An Avalanche Of Immigration Cameron, The Grandstander, Knows Turkey Membership Won’t Happen “Cameron is clearly not up to the job, but there is nobody in the wings with a strong case to lead” David Cameron is said to have described himself as the heir to Blair, and his self-serving, cynicism […]
Cameron Must Block Attempts To Prosecute Bloody Sunday Paras
“there is still a statute of limitations, isn’t there?” Prime Minister David Cameron does seem to have a unique gift for making the best of a bad job. He was dealt an unexpectedly weak hand by the general election, but swiftly capitalised on the eagerness of the Liberal Democrats to embrace the limo, even […]
British Coalition Designed to Save Cameron, Not The Nation
Governing Without Overall Majority Was The Best Option – “vote us out if you dare” Britain Needs A Second Election To Underpin Democracy “we have a government which nobody voted for, pushing policies running contrary to manifesto commitments which nobody voted for, and we are told no election for five years” Prime Minister David Cameron’s […]
Tories to win working majority; but will we notice any real change?
“Cameron will win because he is not Gordon Brown. Just like Blair and New Labour won in 1997 by not being Tories” “Maybe Cameron will emerge in full Margaret Thatcher mode, slashing and burning the fascist state, to create a freedom loving, prosperous, low tax, well educated nation” The Tories will win a strong, working majority […]
Neil Winton Tweets
- @wintonsauto “The deal is the largest commercial order to date for Volvo electric trucks, and the first 130 vehicle… https://t.co/wsmS8HW07W 2 years ago
- @wintonsauto "The EU was aware China had a huge lead in making and selling battery electric vehicles but still tigh… https://t.co/PL4Cv8CWOF 2 years ago
- @wintonsauto “the EU is generating attractive conditions for EVs and the more efficient Chinese, while making it mo… https://t.co/RcnPK3YoUI 2 years ago
- @GBNEWS @neiloliver this bloke says there’s no weighty opinion against the #climateemergency conventional wisdom- l… https://t.co/GHPooYDk6x 2 years ago
The Left’s Far/Hard/Extreme Right Slur Is Baseless And Cynical February 3, 2025
Democrats Believed Americans Wouldn’t See Through Harris Con Trick. January 15, 2025
Climate Change Denial Is An Oxymoron January 3, 2025
Trump Triumph Will Shake Media, Democrat Party To The Core, And Then Some November 10, 2024
Worried About A Labour Victory? Just Think Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbott – It’s Not Going To Happen June 6, 2017
Trump Brushes Aside Biden “Lawfare” Plot; Will The Incumbent Survive? June 3, 2024
Obama Win Means U.S. Problems Will Worsen November 8, 2012
Tories Humiliated But Retain Power June 10, 2017
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