Tag Archives | E.U.

France’s Sarkozy speaks for Britain too in his E.U. denial to Turkey

Thank you President Nicholas Sarkozy. You alone among Western leaders have had the courage to face the facts about Turkey, and say, “No”, to membership of the European Union. Free trade? Sure. Help and advice to develop Turkey’s economy? No problem. Political union? Never. U.S. President Barack Obama thinks the European Union should admit Turkey. […]

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U.K. media ignores Hannan’s Brown critique; shamed by U.S. cover

The British media finally, begrudgingly, gave some publicity to Conservative MEP Dan Hannan’s marvellous peroration to Prime Minister Gordon Brown from the floor of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. Watching the hated, useless, arrogant bully Brown squirm and try to deflect the attack using his twisted Aw Shucks smile was beautiful to behold – […]

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