Tag Archives | Europe

Britain Doesn’t Have To Concede Lisbon Treaty Defeat

Tell E.U. ,Treaty Can’t Go Ahead Until British People Vote Come on Cameron, Show Us Some Leadership, Courage The Tories are trying to be too cute with their “stand” over the  E.U.’s Lisbon Treaty, following Ireland’s shameful, craven, and cowardly “yes” vote. “Let’s wait until we get into power. Let’s wait and see if Czechistan […]

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U.K. media ignores Hannan’s Brown critique; shamed by U.S. cover

The British media finally, begrudgingly, gave some publicity to Conservative MEP Dan Hannan’s marvellous peroration to Prime Minister Gordon Brown from the floor of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. Watching the hated, useless, arrogant bully Brown squirm and try to deflect the attack using his twisted Aw Shucks smile was beautiful to behold – […]

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