Jeremy Corbyn Win Will Rob Labour Of Its Greatest Asset. Ability To Pretend To Be Something Else Always Was The Key. If Corbyn Wins, Parliamentary Party Will Soon Despatch Him. Maybe Labour Too Will Die Leaving Tories, UKIP. “socialism always hurts most the people it proclaims the most noisily to want to help” “the minimum […]
Tag Archives | Labour

Manifestos Everywhere, But Not Much Compelling Argument
Manifestos Everywhere, But Not Much Compelling Argument. Boring Variations On Worn Out Themes. Flat Tax, Kill Climate Act, Shake up NHS, Defence 2%, Reform Islam? “If you’ve spent kerzillions of pounds you’ve borrowed you have to pay it back. You can’t disagree with austerity” So many manifestos, so little impact. I’ve tried to pay […]

Labour Favoured To Win; Can Miliband Lose It For Them?
Tories Need To Tempt UKIP Votes To Win Majority. Cameron Doesn’t Seem Aware Of This, Relying On Miliband Weapon. “Labour members hate our institutions and the Queen – it’s the truth that dare not speak its name – but never reveal this in public because they know this would be electoral death” “Have Britain’s voters […]

Economic storm brews, but Cameron’s on the ball
Cameron’s priorities boggle the mind, but if he fails, there’s always Ed “Better keep your fingers crossed that nothing seriously bad happens” Listening to our callow political leaders at the annual political party conferences you would never guess that Britain faced economic meltdown, or that next year the world will have to handle an […]

Anyone halfway civilized would have deferred to elder brother David Miliband
Ed must have been aware that his victory would destroy David “That’s why I say that Ed Miliband is an arrogant, thoughtless, selfish fool who by his actions show that he is unqualified to lead” When Ed Miliband decided to stand for the Labour Party leadership he must have been aware of the consequences. Some […]
Milburn wanted to trash standards to give the poor a legup. Tories traditionally raise standards, not level them down “Maybe the only solution is grab the pitchforks and march on Westminster”. David Cameron and the ConDem alliance are apparently about to recruit former Labour MP Alan Milburn to help them with inequality policy. This […]
Not Flash Gordon does the impossible, makes U.S. interested in our election
Labour inheritance – crumbling economy, clipboard Nazis, targets, unintended consequences “Gillian Duffy may have been outraged by her treatment, but boy, what a reaction she’s managed, and what a revenge she will take. “if Britain is to have a prosperous and free future, its citizens must finally understand the true cul-de-sac, counter productive implications of […]

Tories Will Win Big, Or Big Enough, More’s The Pity
Best For Our Long-Term Future Would Be Inconclusive Labour Win That Would Pin Responsibility For Future Pain Where It Belongs This should be a great day for Britain. Finally, with the election date being set, we have the chance to dump Gordon Brown, this arrogant, cowardly, incompetent, nasty, lying socialist. Unfortunately his likely replacement, David […]
Labour deliberately destroys opportunity for the poor, then pretends to wonder why
The bare-faced chutzpah of Alan Milburn was matched only by the incompetence of the BBC interviewer. Former Labour Health Minister Milburn was blathering on about how the gap between rich and poor in Britain had widened not narrowed. He had authored a report for Prime Minister Gordon Brown which found that opportunities […]
Labour makes hard work of everything, as well as disguising the truth
Top marks to Sunday Telegraph columnist Melissa Kite for her splendid idea about why the Labour party calls itself er, the Labour Party. I’d always thought that “Labour” was meant to distance the party from its true Communist/Socialist/Marxist/Fascist underpinnings. We all know that indeed this is whence Labour’s brothers and commissars began and continue their […]
Neil Winton Tweets
- @wintonsauto “The deal is the largest commercial order to date for Volvo electric trucks, and the first 130 vehicle… 2 years ago
- @wintonsauto "The EU was aware China had a huge lead in making and selling battery electric vehicles but still tigh… 2 years ago
- @wintonsauto “the EU is generating attractive conditions for EVs and the more efficient Chinese, while making it mo… 2 years ago
- @GBNEWS @neiloliver this bloke says there’s no weighty opinion against the #climateemergency conventional wisdom- l… 2 years ago
The Left’s Far/Hard/Extreme Right Slur Is Baseless And Cynical February 3, 2025
Democrats Believed Americans Wouldn’t See Through Harris Con Trick. January 15, 2025
Climate Change Denial Is An Oxymoron January 3, 2025
Trump Triumph Will Shake Media, Democrat Party To The Core, And Then Some November 10, 2024
Worried About A Labour Victory? Just Think Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbott – It’s Not Going To Happen June 6, 2017
Trump Brushes Aside Biden “Lawfare” Plot; Will The Incumbent Survive? June 3, 2024
Obama Win Means U.S. Problems Will Worsen November 8, 2012
Tories Humiliated But Retain Power June 10, 2017
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