Tag Archives | letter

We don’t have to accept “A”27 grid-lock; we can bypass politicians

FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 2010 AT 6:01PM (letter published earlier this week in the Worthing Herald) The Editor Dear Sir Every time I drive east out of Worthing towards Lancing on the “A” 27 these days (I attempt this only at around midday, never at rush hour, and only if I’m feeling lucky) the line of […]

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Nick Herbert – “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”. Help your constituents. Fix the Economy. Then pursue minority interests

(This letter was offered to the West Sussex Gazette. It didn’t publish it. I don’t know why. I suspect it was conforming to the politically correct dictum which says if you don’t think homosexuality is a sensible option for all, and object to children being persuaded to take it up, you are homophobic. I wrote […]

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