Tag Archives | Ed Miliband

Manifestos Everywhere, But Not Much Compelling Argument

  Manifestos Everywhere, But Not Much Compelling Argument. Boring Variations On Worn Out Themes. Flat Tax, Kill Climate Act, Shake up NHS, Defence 2%, Reform Islam? “If you’ve spent kerzillions of pounds you’ve borrowed you have to pay it back. You can’t disagree with austerity” So many manifestos, so little impact. I’ve tried to pay […]

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A Month Exposed To Ed Miliband Can Only Have One Outcome

A Month Exposed To Ed Miliband Can Only Have One Outcome. Victory For The Tories As Voters Realise His Venal Self-Regard. “As the campaign unfolds it will mean a daily spotlight on Ed. If I know anything at all about the British his lack of quality will shine through” I predict a Tory overall majority […]

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Listen to Miliband and Greek tragedy can be yours too

 Listen to Miliband and Greek tragedy can be yours too     A marvellous Michael Portillo documentary (BBCTV2) on Greece’s problems. Armed with a euro and a drachma banknote, he interviewed people across Greece and Germany expecting them to eagerly opt for their old currencies. Surprisingly, he couldn’t find any Greeks who wanted to dump the euro […]

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Economic storm brews, but Cameron’s on the ball

Cameron’s priorities boggle the mind, but if he fails, there’s always Ed “Better keep your fingers crossed that nothing seriously bad happens”     Listening to our callow political leaders at the annual political party conferences you would never guess that Britain faced economic meltdown, or that next year the world will have to handle an […]

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Anyone halfway civilized would have deferred to elder brother David Miliband

Ed must have been aware that his victory would destroy David “That’s why I say that Ed Miliband is an arrogant, thoughtless, selfish fool who by his actions show that he is unqualified to lead” When Ed Miliband decided to stand for the Labour Party leadership he must have been aware of the consequences. Some […]

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