Tag Archives | Muslim

Britons aren’t “prejudiced” against Muslims, just rightly suspicious

Ms Warsi should be demanding British Muslims embrace our ways “What a nerve this unelected women has. She seeks to lecture us, when the religion she represents is often inhuman and incompatible with British values” So Conservative Party Chairman “Baroness” Warsi thinks the middle classes are routinely prejudiced against Muslims. No explanation from her as […]

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British Muslims need a new Koran, stripped of uncivilised beliefs

Another Islamist atrocity, mercifully a bungled one, just reminds us that if this poisonous growth in our society is not cured, home grown suicide bombing will eventually lead to a huge loss of innocent life. And yet all we get is hand-wringing from our gutless political leaders and pleas for moderate Muslims to step forward. […]

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Time To Insist That Our Parliamentarians Outlaw This Outrage

British Food Producers Use Uncivilised Hallal Killing To Save Money “As citizens of Britain it is intolerable to try and maintain outdated ideas, which offend the sensibilities of our fellow citizens, and forthwith we declare this hallal activity at an end” – Dream on         You might think that the law about cruelty to animals […]

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Afghanistan’s Leader Thinks You Can “Humiliate” A Book

The childish and uncivilized reaction of some third-world Muslims to the threat to burn the Koran in America shows why the mission in Afghanistan is hopelessly ambitious and will fail. These people are living in a Medieval age. They just don’t get the idea of a modern, liberal democracy where individuals have rights and responsibilities. […]

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Islam, like Communism, can’t be trusted and must be challenged

THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 2009 AT 5:45PM “The U.S. is not and never will be at war with Islam,” said U.S. President Barack Obama the other day in Turkey. I suppose that was a nice thing to say given his surroundings, but it set me thinking, and I’ve tried to make some sense of what our attitude […]

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Free speech, if it means anything, applies to extremist Muslims too

I heard a so-called moderate Muslim leader on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme this week saying that because Briton was a country which guaranteed free speech, it was OK that those alien creatures spat abuse and hatred at our troops earlier this week. He does have a point. Free speech, if it means anything at […]

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Polygamy, aka as Bigamy, Means Slavery For Muslims, Not Marriage

Polygamy, aka as Bigamy, Means Slavery For Muslims, Not Marriage I was at a wedding this weekend when it all became clear to me. Last week, I was listening to a BBC Radio 5 phone-in featuring Baroness Warsi, Conservative Shadow Minister for Community Cohesion and Social Action, who had stirred up a hornet’s nest of […]

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Hamas Killers Sacrifice Palestinians For Their Sick Cause

Watching the childish, petulant, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan‘s antics while sharing a stage with Israeli President Shimon Peres at the Davos summit served as another reminder of how the reality of Hamas gets lost in the political debate. Hamas is an extreme, bloodthirsty group of Muslim maniacs who love death the way we […]

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