Tag Archives | Nick Griffin

BNP’s Griffin humiliated by BBC, but that will probably help not hinder

    It made sense for Nick Griffin to emerge from BBCTV’s Question Time as the victim rather than an aggressor, and he certainly achieved that, although I doubt if that’s the way he planned it.     Also not emerging with much credit were the unbearably smug trio of mainstream political non-entities Messrs Straw, Huhne […]

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Will the BNP’s Griffin show his leftie credentials on Question Time?

“the BNP is old Labour with racism”     Hat’s off to the BBC! Finally, it seems to have woken up to its charter obligations to stimulate wide ranging, unfettered debate in Britain. Last week the BBC was doing it with Geert Wilders, the Dutch politician who was formally banned from entering Britain for the outrageous […]

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