Tag Archives | protest

St Paul’s-like protests using physical force must be halted quickly

Political protest and democracy is all about freely-expressed opinion, not compelling you to listen   “They can gather in halls or fields to have their voices heard. They can write opinion pieces on the internet or in newspapers, or even run candidates in elections. They can be heard on radio and TV” In a spirit […]

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British Muslims need a new Koran, stripped of uncivilised beliefs

Another Islamist atrocity, mercifully a bungled one, just reminds us that if this poisonous growth in our society is not cured, home grown suicide bombing will eventually lead to a huge loss of innocent life. And yet all we get is hand-wringing from our gutless political leaders and pleas for moderate Muslims to step forward. […]

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Afghanistan’s Leader Thinks You Can “Humiliate” A Book

The childish and uncivilized reaction of some third-world Muslims to the threat to burn the Koran in America shows why the mission in Afghanistan is hopelessly ambitious and will fail. These people are living in a Medieval age. They just don’t get the idea of a modern, liberal democracy where individuals have rights and responsibilities. […]

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