Tag Archives | referendum

Vote “Yes” Please Scots; We Can’t Afford “No” Consequences

Irreversible? Rubbish. Learn Your Lesson, Then Welcome Back. “risible that sterling is worth less without this Scottish basket-case, denuded of talent and left with a grasping, welfare-state drone rump” “When Scots grow up and want to come back, we’d welcome them home again” The need for a “Yes” vote in the Scottish independence referendum takes […]

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Vote “No” In The AV Referendum

“Under AV, the winner will emerge from a smoke-filled room after hours of mathematical shenanigans, and probably his policies and beliefs will be completely unknown to most voters” “how can one differentiate between a Lib Dem, Labour, BNP, Green and Monster Raving Looney. They are all unworthy. I couldn’t possibly grade them in a sensible […]

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