Tag Archives | right-wing

BBC Still Calls Lefty Parties Like France’s NF “Extreme-Right”

NF, And German Nazis, Supported State Control, Hated Free Markets Libertarians Are “Extreme-Right”;  They Want Low Tax, Small State “NAZIs called themselves National Socialists. Why would they actually call themselves socialists, if that wasn’t crucial to their beliefs?” There were two things wrong with BBC Radio 5 Live’s phone-in this week, which asked if “extreme-right-wing” […]

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What’s “right-wing” about Ukranian extremists? Nothing, BBC concedes (at least I think it does)

    Finally, a minor triumph over the BBC to report. Right-wing extremists in Ukraine are now routinely described as “extremists”.     After watching the news earlier in the week, in which the BBC reported on its own “documentary” about racist football crowds in Ukraine,  the revolting yoboes in the crowd, who were proffering some […]

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