Tag Archives | Royal

Royal Birth media

Absurd, OTT Cover Of Royal Birth

But U.S. Reporting Even More Infantile, Exaggerated. They Seem To Think Britons Ruled By Queen. National Lottery Would Solve Problem Of Removing Monarchy. “Americans don’t get this subtlety and their news crews insist on reporting as though the birth of a new candidate for king is important” “We know this is completely irrelevant, mere show-biz […]

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Republicans, Monarchists drive us mad with their exaggerations

“Moore seems to think that all these toy-town titles and over-the-top uniforms represent a reality, rather than a rather sweet but obvious illusion” “I expect Dave and Brenda sit around watching Coronation Street, or sharing a cocktail. But decisions of state are not on the agenda.” Listening to Republicans arguing with Monarchists prompted by the […]

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