The Left’s Far/Hard/Extreme Right Slur Is Baseless And Cynical

Sir Keir

“Fascism is not a phenomenon of the right at all. Instead it is, and always has been, of the left”

    Left-wingers pollute politics with their baseless mantra about the “hard right” and its NAZI innuendo, but any sensible interpretation of history shows Hitler’s party was far left not right, and the superficial mainstream media needs to wake up and make this clear.

    A far-right claim should generate a response like this. “Sir Keir (if it is he) – what exactly is the far-right and which political party are we talking about?”

    This right-wing apparition simply doesn’t exist in any serious form. But what this slur achieves is a suspicion that the recipient – usually centre-right and libertarian right-wing parties in Britain like the Conservatives and Reform and the AfD in Germany, are NAZIs in disguise.

“The only thing right-wing about the NAZI party was its relationship with Communists”

    This only works because of the weird media conventional wisdom that Germany’s NAZI party was right-wing when just a few minutes research would reveal that as ridiculous.

    The NAZI party was left-wing and socialist (the secret is in the name – National Socialist German Workers’ Party). It hated capitalism and wanted to destroy it. It supported cradle-to-grave welfare, pensions for all, free health care, confiscated inherited wealth and detested democracy and free speech. It hated religion, smoking and supported abortion and euthanasia. 

    The only thing right-wing about the NAZI party was its relationship with Communists. The latter wanted to control every aspect of the state. NAZI/Fascists conceded they needed a successful economy to pursue their war aims so they allowed the private sector to exist. They all hated Jews.

    NAZI/Fascists were socialists

    Jonah Goldberg in his book “Liberal Fascism”, makes clear NAZI/Fascists were socialists.

    “Fascism, properly understood, is not a phenomenon of the right at all. Instead it is, and always has been, a phenomenon of the left,“ Goldberg says.    

    “This fact – an inconvenient truth if there ever was one – is obscured in our time by the equally mistaken belief fascism and communism are opposites, In reality, they are closely related, historical competitors for the same constituents, seeking to dominate and control the same social space,” Goldberg says.

    Since the Second World War, the myth has persisted that NAZIs were right-wing. So when British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer is struggling to justify yet another cul-de-sac, he blames the “hard right” with its undertones of NAZI sympathy. 

     Does he really mean the right-wing of the Conservative Party or the new upstart Reform party with its support of low tax, small state, libertarian values and free speech? Do they look even vaguely like Swastika-brandishing, goose-steeping, antisemite zealots? Of course not. So another question should be – “Sir Keir, exactly who are you accusing of being far right?” That would inspire some spluttering and collapse of stout parties but is never asked.

    There is a similar phenomenon in the U.S., according to Dinesh D’Souza in his book “The Big Lie”.

    The Reverse of the truth

    D’Souza says extremist Democrats justify violent behaviour in the name of “anti-fascism”.

    “In stark contrast, it’s the American left both in ideology and tactics that is rooted in fascism and Nazism. Its thuggery, censorship, and intimidation are part of a deliberate process just as Hitler and Mussolini did,” D’Souza said.

    According to D’Souza, the American left has also managed to twist the narrative. Nazism and Fascism were from the outset regarded as left-wing but they were switched.

    “Suddenly Mussolini and Hitler became “right-wingers” And the people that brought them to power became “conservatives”. The left, then, became the glorious resisters of fascism and Nazism,” D’Souza said. 

    In Europe, this use of the hard right as an insult and as a way of belittling your opponents is becoming more topical as the Germans go to the polls next month. The right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is looking very strong in the polls but is being undermined by false charges that it is the NAZIs in disguise. 

    Even the big CDU-CSU conservative party has sworn never to form a government with the AfD, thanks to some nonsense from shamed former party leader Angela Merkel. That ban surely won’t last if the CDU-CSU wants to form a government with a like-minded party. 

    “Only the AfD can save Germany”    

     Elon Musk of Tesla fame was in Germany recently (he has a factory there) and interviewed AfD leader Alice Weidel. Musk has gone on the record as saying only the AfD can save Germany. Musk has suffered NAZI guilt-by-association insults because of this.

    In an article in the Daily Telegraph last month, Weidel was able to reassure Musk, saying Adolf Hitler came out of the anti-capitalist political Left, as did Mussolini in Italy, and Oswald Mosley in Britain. 

    “He wasn’t a conservative. He wasn’t a libertarian. He was a communist socialist guy. And we are exactly the opposite,” she said, according to the Telegraph.

One Response to The Left’s Far/Hard/Extreme Right Slur Is Baseless And Cynical

  1. Evelyn February 7, 2025 at 4:37 am #

    Neil, you are far too intelligent to think the AFD in Germany is legitimate. I read and speak the language.
    Former Chancellor Angela Merkel, certainly not a left winger, just warned about deals with them. They started in the former East Germany, in part because they felt colonized by the West Germans after unification. But nothing excuses them for trying to gain sympathy for Adolph’s crimes. It’s not a left or right discussion. The Holocaust was real.

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