- September 16th Harris Pleased Base In Debate, But Alienated Crucial Floaters 0
- September 7th Kamala Harris Candidacy Won’t Survive The Debate 0
- August 25th As U.S. Election Hits High Gear, Forget Trump Felon Nonsense 0
- July 1st Vote Reform, Get Labour; But Tory Revival Needs Demise First 0
- June 18th Cameron Ruined The Tories, But Dopey Sunak Revived Him 0
- June 3rd Trump Brushes Aside Biden “Lawfare” Plot; Will The Incumbent Survive? 3
- February 8th Reuters Supports Climate Change Partisan; Why, And Is Coverage Compromised? 0
- January 24th Climate Change; An Alternative View But Backed By Top Experts. 2
- December 8th Headline Climate Science Built On Shifting Sands – Book Review 0
- November 7th Worthing Council-End The Parking Charging System Which Gouges Drivers 1
- February 8th Guide to Trump Impeachment Trial 0
- January 21st Mainstream Media’s Capitol Riot Reporting Looked Convincing, But Was So Wrong 0
- October 31st Biden Win Would Soon Turn America Into Argentina, As Extremists Seize Power 1
- October 25th Biden Gaffe Could Lose Him The Election As Trump Wins Last Debate 1
- October 19th Biden Campaign Hit By Corruption Scandal, Worries About His Mental Condition 0
- September 30th BBC, To Nobody’s Surprise, Misreports U.S. Election Debate 0
- September 2nd Sheriff Trump Win Increasingly Likely; Expect Democrat Hysteria 1
- August 15th Bjorn Lomborg False Alarm Book Review 1
- February 22nd Is Orban A Freedom Loving Patriot, Or An Apprentice Fascist? 0
- September 29th Boris Performs Sturdily, But You’d Never Know It. 0
- August 1st Is Anyone Capable Of Bursting The Climate Emergency Bubble? 1
- July 23rd Slovenly, Superficial Media, Politicians Falsely Say Trump Racist 0
- June 11th Global Warming Myths, Lies Shot Down By Marc Morano 0
- May 24th Complacent Politicians Happy To Let Traffic Strangle West Sussex 1
- July 15th “A” 27 “Improvements”, Another Useless, Unambitious Sop 1
- June 10th Tories Humiliated But Retain Power 2
- June 6th Worried About A Labour Victory? Just Think Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbott – It’s Not Going To Happen 4
- June 1st Slim Pickings Searching For Sensible Election Policies 0
- April 28th Macron Favoured To Win In France, But Think, Trump, Brexit. 1
- April 28th Brighton Parking System Shows Council Arrogance, Contempt 0
- January 15th Don’t Believe Media Lies That Trump Regime Will Be Dangerous 1
- November 14th BBCTV Question Time Needs Shaking Up, Starting At The Top 0
- October 30th Letter from Neil Winton in America – batten down the hatches, lockup your daughters, Trump is going to win 1
- October 3rd Letter from Neil Winton in America – expect dirty and ugly next 0
- September 26th Letter from Neil Winton in America – Trump versus Clinton 0
- May 15th Rand’s Great Novel “We The Living” Set In 1920’s Russia 0
- December 13th Tune In To My Contribution To BBC’s Any Answers 1
- October 30th WintonsWorld and Global Warming 2
- October 30th Former Greenpeace Leader Says CO2 Essential; Wants More 0
- September 2nd Jeremy Corbyn Win Will Rob Labour Of Its Greatest Asset 0
- May 2nd Tories Poised For Victory, As Miliband Effect Kicks-In 1
- April 14th Manifestos Everywhere, But Not Much Compelling Argument 0
- April 7th A Month Exposed To Ed Miliband Can Only Have One Outcome 0
- January 12th Western Muslims Must Admit Problems And Modernise 0
- January 4th Primary Elections Would Make British Politics More Accountable 0
- September 21st There Is A Simple Way To Improve Our Politics – The Primary 0
- September 14th Vote “Yes” Please Scots; We Can’t Afford “No” Consequences 0
- September 7th Fingers Crossed For “Yes” In Scotland Independence Vote 0
- May 5th British Muslims Must Reform, Modernise 0
- October 14th IPCC’s Climate Change Report Comes Under Attack 1
- October 5th Labour Favoured To Win; Can Miliband Lose It For Them? 0
- September 4th Syrian Crisis Brings Out The Worst In Our Leaders 0
- July 23rd Absurd, OTT Cover Of Royal Birth 0
- June 2nd British Muslims Must Modernise Core Creed 0
- May 18th Obama Presidency Hits The Rocks 0
- May 4th Dump Cameron, End Coalition, Throw Red Meat To Tory Core 0
- April 14th Magnificent Margaret – Let’s Hope She’s Not A One-Off 0
- February 19th BBC Still Calls Lefty Parties Like France’s NF “Extreme-Right” 0
- February 7th BBC Should Lead Debate On Health Care 0
- November 8th Obama Win Means U.S. Problems Will Worsen 2
- October 28th Romney Win Will Spur Low-Tax, Smaller Government U.S. Economic Rebound 0
- October 5th Romney’s Game-Changing Debate Win Didn’t Impress The BBC 0
- October 3rd BBC Lauds Hobsbawm, The Apologist For Stalin 0
- August 10th The endless Olympics is driving most of us mad; now they want our money to fund the “legacy” 0
- July 31st Fox News shows lots of empty London Olympic stadiums, saying Romney was right 0
- July 28th NHS underlines all that is bad about Britain, but Olympic opening ceremony lauds it 0
- July 25th NewsNight’s two-part investigation of Muslim practise doesn’t mention Muslims! 0
- July 18th BBC thinks Syrian revolutionaries are perfect democrats 0
- July 8th Why should we change our culture if it clashes with “minorities”? 0
- June 26th BBC’s self-criticism of its “Arab Spring” reporting welcome but late 0
- June 25th BBC allows brazen Balls to forget his incompetence got us into this mess 0
- June 19th Hey Politicians; listen to Niall Ferguson. He’ll put you right 0
- June 8th Is there a secret BBC charter clause not to offend Muslims? 0
- June 2nd What’s “right-wing” about Ukranian extremists? Nothing, BBC concedes (at least I think it does) 0
- June 2nd The Monarchy, And Other British Delusions 0
- May 15th Listen to Miliband and Greek tragedy can be yours too 0
- May 5th WintonsWorld-BBC Diary 0
- April 24th WintonsWorld-BBCdiary 1
- March 22nd Lucky Megrahi – extended life thanks to release from NHS 0
- February 2nd BBC cheer leaders want Egypt’s Mubarak out 0
- December 6th New Gas Technology Torpedoes High-Cost Renewable Energy Plans 0
- December 2nd Curb Union Power With Voting Hurdle, New Contract Law 0
- November 1st St Paul’s-like protests using physical force must be halted quickly 0
- October 6th Economic storm brews, but Cameron’s on the ball 0
- July 18th Time To Go Cameron; Step Forward Michael Gove 0
- June 12th Forced Disclosure Of Palin Emails Backfires On Attackers 0
- May 17th Britain’s Climate Policy Madness Won’t Change The Weather But Threatens Mass Unemployment 0
- May 8th Primary elections would give the British system some needed fresh air 0
- May 2nd Republicans, Monarchists drive us mad with their exaggerations 0
- March 30th Vote “No” In The AV Referendum 0
- March 18th If U.N. Action Deposes Gaddafi, What Then? 0
- March 11th Atlas Shrugged – The Movie. At Last, Hollywood Tackles Rand’s Masterpiece 0
- February 9th Hey BBC – Stop The Smear And Encourage Free Debate 0
- February 2nd BBC cheer leaders want Egypt’s Mubarak out 0
- January 22nd Britons aren’t “prejudiced” against Muslims, just rightly suspicious 0
- December 22nd Will the U.S. Congress finally nail climate alarmists? 0
- December 20th Charlatan Cameron Puts Career Before Principle, Again 0
- December 14th British Muslims need a new Koran, stripped of uncivilised beliefs 0
- December 6th Brown’s flat-earth climate lies matched only by Tory party’s surrender 0
- November 3rd U.S. Tea Party success shows Britain’s pitiful “democracy” is a sham 0
- October 23rd As The Dust Settles On Britain’s Economic Plan, It’s Much Ado About Nowt 0
- October 7th Cameron Fails To Impress, But A Challenge Looks Worlds Away 0
- September 28th Anyone halfway civilized would have deferred to elder brother David Miliband 0
- September 24th Time To Insist That Our Parliamentarians Outlaw This Outrage 0
- September 12th Afghanistan’s Leader Thinks You Can “Humiliate” A Book 0
- September 4th A Period Of Silence From Pakistan’s Man In London Would Be Welcome 0
- September 3rd Refudiating Palin – The Spectator ran an article last week attacking Sarah Palin using lazy, yellow press tactics more in common with the tabloid gutter merchants. My protest to the editor was ignored. But here it is:- 0
- July 28th Cameron Cynicism Over Turkey Shows He Truly Is Blair’s Heir 0
- July 28th We don’t have to accept “A”27 grid-lock; we can bypass politicians 0
- July 20th Hand-wringer in charge of MI5 would let mad Muslims veto foreign policy 0
- July 7th Alternative Vote Rewards Losers, Would Ruin Our Democracy 0
- July 2nd Duncan Smith Wows Question Time with Welfare Reform Ideas 0
- June 18th Cameron Must Block Attempts To Prosecute Bloody Sunday Paras 0
- May 15th British Coalition Designed to Save Cameron, Not The Nation 0
- May 12th Obama Plays Race Card In U.S./Arizona Illegal Immigrant Debate 0
- April 30th Not Flash Gordon does the impossible, makes U.S. interested in our election 0
- April 21st Looming Spending Crisis Means Nobody Wants To Take Charge Of Britain 0
- April 12th UKIP Manifesto Includes Global Warming Doubt, Flat-Tax 0
- April 6th Tories Will Win Big, Or Big Enough, More’s The Pity 0
- March 14th Nick Herbert – “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”. Help your constituents. Fix the Economy. Then pursue minority interests 0
- February 16th Ayn Rand’s view of Robin Hood differs a bit from Bill Nighy’s 0
- February 9th Tories to win working majority; but will we notice any real change? 0
- January 30th Tougher airport security becomes embarrassingly intrusive 0
- January 20th U.S. Election Shows People Are Listening, and Aren’t Powerless 0
- November 19th Human Production Of CO2 Isn’t Warming The Planet 0
- November 5th U.N.’s IPCC fiddled climate change data – Christopher Booker 0
- October 23rd BNP’s Griffin humiliated by BBC, but that will probably help not hinder 0
- October 19th Will the BNP’s Griffin show his leftie credentials on Question Time? 0
- October 10th Cameron Speech Was Clever, Emotional And Impressive 0
- October 4th Britain Doesn’t Have To Concede Lisbon Treaty Defeat 0
- October 1st Hard Talk? More Like Easy Rider 0
- August 19th BBC Watchwords – Traduce, Delay, Obfuscate, Intimidate 0
- July 22nd Labour deliberately destroys opportunity for the poor, then pretends to wonder why 0
- July 14th Fossil fuel overestimate would mean no global warming 0
- July 5th Apologise, reprimand South Today, insist it never happens again 0
- June 28th BBC South Today Uses Crude, Tabloid Tactics To Smear Doctor 0
- June 28th BBC South Today Uses Crude, Tabloid Tactics To SmearDoctor 0
- June 21st Another BBC week; cowardice, amateurism, bullying, bias 0
- June 14th Police must protect free speech, even if it means defending the BNP 0
- May 31st Vote UKIP on Thursday; then dream of saying Bye Bye Brussels 0
- May 23rd Reform now; Parliament must regain government control, elect PM separately. Goodbye E.U. 0
- May 20th Despite the turmoil, Britain’s Brown will hang on to the bitter end 0
- May 16th Will the public still loath politicians a year from now, when it matters? 0
- April 23rd Islam, like Communism, can’t be trusted and must be challenged 0
- April 22nd Jack Jones did more damage to Britain than most in a long life 0
- April 8th France’s Sarkozy speaks for Britain too in his E.U. denial to Turkey 0
- April 3rd BBC G20 reporting left impression Brown had triumphed; reverse is the truth 0
- March 28th U.K. media ignores Hannan’s Brown critique; shamed by U.S. cover 0
- March 25th Labour makes hard work of everything, as well as disguising the truth 0
- March 17th BBC climate report is balderdash; where is the balance and fairness? 0
- March 13th BBC Thinks Prince Charles Lacks Environmental Credibility 0
- March 12th Free speech, if it means anything, applies to extremist Muslims too 0
- March 11th Latest BBC climate scare story will be wrong, and go uncorrected 0
- February 22nd Polygamy, aka as Bigamy, Means Slavery For Muslims, Not Marriage 0
- February 13th Tory Evasion On Wilders Case Shows Cameroon Superficiality 0
- February 12th U.K. Ban On Dutch Politician Undermines Freedom Of Speech 0
- January 30th Hamas Killers Sacrifice Palestinians For Their Sick Cause 0
- January 27th The Very Existence Of A House Of Lords Shames Britain 0
- January 20th Obama Stumbles At Inauguration; Gives Little Away About Plans 0
- May 25th CERN Scientists See Power In Sun Theory 0
- December 20th Futile Climate Action Would Also Hurt Poor 0
- July 25th Politicians Outstrip Science In Race To Be Green 0
- May 25th Climate Said Warming Because Of Sun, Not Man 0
- December 25th Global Warming Theory Just Hot Air, Some Experts Say 0
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