Vote Reform, Get Labour; But Tory Revival Needs Demise First

“the Tory party, with its MP selection dominated by wets, is incapable of reforming itself”

    I’m voting Reform on Thursday. 

    Yes, I know that almost guarantees a Labour victory but I’m hoping that when the “don’t-knows” make up their minds and the polls narrow, the left-wing cretinariat will lack an overall majority.

    That’s based on hope not science to be sure, but the Tory party has failed so completely and is so unreformable it needs time in the wilderness to find itself again. If we get the promised massive Labour majority, it might take 10 years to get power back. That means untold suffering and angst for my fellow citizens. But handing power to the current Conservative leadership means more years of spinning wheels with no underlying problems tackled. The bullet has to be bitten, I’m afraid.

    Dump the wets
    The Conservative Party must make its mind up about its identity. It has to cast aside the wet, handwringing One Nation Liberal Democrat lookalike Camerons and Heseltines and Andrew Mitchells. The Conservatives must be a party of libertarian, small government, low tax, bonfire-of-regulation Thatcherites. This reflects the Reform party’s values, as far as I can tell, and in the aftermath of the upcoming defeat, perhaps the Kemi Badenoch Tories and Nigel Farage can get together. 

    Here’s part of my radical agenda, mostly but not all agreed by Reform, and including just a few of the huge decisions that need to be taken to halt Britain’s slide to socialism and ever-falling living standards. We face death by drowning in debt. The list shows the Tory failure of confidence, imagination and courage.

    Frack for gas
    Firstly, frack for our own gas, not to mention oil reserves on land. We currently import fracked gas from the U.S., so there’s no principle involved here. The bottom line is energy security. Why expose ourselves to the whims of Middle-East dictators, not to mention Russia? Why don’t the Tories exploit our own resources which will generate profits for our companies and tax for the Treasury? Despite the whining of the green lobby which has frightened the government into acquiescence, there is no climate emergency. (See my review of Steven Koonin’s “Unsettled”). Fossil fuels will be required for many years to come. Meanwhile, technology like cold fusion in the long term and mini nuclear reactors sooner will generate cheap, clean power.   

    With its impossible and uncosted net zero targets, the absurd Climate Change Act must be axed.

    Putin must not be allowed to make any gain from his outrageous action in Ukraine. We must provide enough arms and moral backing and insist Russia a) withdraw from Ukraine and Crimea and b) Russia must compensate Ukraine for its suffering. We have no need to fear Russia. Economically we, NATO, are far more powerful. The only doubt is over our will to insist on what is right. I’m not sure Nigel Farage agrees with this.    

    Immigration must be pegged at no more than 10,000 a year, while the small boats must be physically turned back. The Tory failure to stop the boats demonstrates its inability to confront core issues requiring backbone. Rishi Sunak’s declaration that he will stop the small boats, is risible and laughable. He could order the Navy to step in today and stop them. He clearly won’t. That would require courage.

    Backbone required
    The country has been suffering from out-of-control strike action. Think rail unions and doctors and their selective strikes. The law must be changed to declare that if you strike you breach your contract. A new one has to be agreed before a return to work. The current arrangements give unions massive power to cause damage, with little cost to themselves.   

    The NHS is not fit for purpose. The Labour Party will fight this tooth and nail but we must adopt the French/German/Dutch health care system of free-at-the-point-of-delivery personal health insurance. This can be started by offering tax breaks. It could gather pace in parallel with the NHS which needs to be slowly retired. Don’t listen to the left, which claims to care about health care. It doesn’t. It loves the NHS because it gives them power over us. If they cared about world-class health care, they’d follow social democrat ideas in Europe.

    The voting system is now out of date. Instead of going for proportional representation let’s give the French system a try. This offers two rounds of voting; a second vote if one candidate doesn’t breach 50% at the first ballot. This will give new parties a better shot at success. Primary elections would make sure power is returned to party members.

    Ban postal voting
    A yet another French idea. Ban postal voting, except for the chronically sick. You shouldn’t really be voting until you’ve heard all the arguments of the whole campaign. Postal voting offends an important principle – the secret ballot. This will stop heads of some traditional cultures taking the power of the vote away from family members. Postal voting is an incentive to corruption. Ask Donald Trump if you doubt me.

    Because certain immigrant cultures hold beliefs incompatible with ours, before citizenship is granted they must first reject those ideas. They are welcome to become citizens but must accept our basic culture first.  

    Return the training of nurses to the traditional system. Blair’s decision to insist nurses study for degrees had unfortunate side effects. It screened out many young women with a great aptitude for caring and nursing who weren’t particularly academic. The academically inclined were forced to pay £50,000 plus for the training. The shortfall in nurses that this created robbed the third-world of some of their most useful citizens, who probably didn’t have degrees anyway. Thanks Tony. 

    Privatise the BBC.

    Shut the House of Lords, Permanently 
    Shut down the House of Lords. No replacement required.

    Reform the Monarchy by removing any pretense it has a constitutional role. No pretend permission for a new Prime Minister. No opening of Parliament with the loopy idea the King has to read out the government programme. No problem with retaining palaces etc, but the Royals just Meet and Greet.            

    Require teachers to balance their lessons on things like climate change and politics. 

“Let’s hope a Labour win is the start of socialism’s death throes”

    I hear the argument that if Labour gets in we face up to 20 years of failure and crisis. Let’s hope it won’t last longer than 5 years. But the Tory party, with MP selection dominated by its wet tendency, is incapable of reforming itself. The Labour party in government will quickly reaffirm its stupidity and incompetence. It will focus the minds of the reasonable majority and make clear a revolution is required to finally extinguish these losers of the left, who would trash our culture and economy.

    Let’s hope a Labour victory is the start of socialism’s death throes. Just imagine how powerful, rich, and accomplished our country would be if it hadn’t lurched back into socialism every 15 years or so and dumped all the progress made. Just imagine, no influence from Attlee, Wilson/Callaghan, Blair/Brown.

    It’s hardly reassuring, but don’t forget, there’s no gain without pain.   

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